Source Code

u baiding

pimping on the west side. he's representing for all the homies.

while riding he was baiding

by Zoobaid October 16, 2003

6πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

u mum gay

The greatest insult you could ever use. It literally means "your mother is a homosexual"

Owen: You are so shit at Rocket League!
Phillip: u mum gay
Owen: :((((

by HoboPav February 14, 2018

21πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

U of M-59

A pun on "The University of Michigan" intended to identify Macomb Community College, which is currently established on Michigan State Highway 59.

Student 1: Hey, I'm going to Michigan State for college dude, where are you going?
Student 2: U of M-59.
Student 1: Ahhh the Wolverines... nice.
Student 2: Errr, you're referring to the U of M. And we're the Monarchs (as in butterflies) by the way.

by Thunder from down under April 7, 2009

75πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

U R βˆƒ

you are Gay

You can text message, post this on someones wall on facebook. U R βˆƒ

by crabsfree December 6, 2010

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

u wish u were meh

U Wish U Were Meh refers to I’m better than you or you loser your sooooo jealous of me. It comes from the Latin root of I’m sooooo not a loser.

Nerd: β€œHey do you want to hang out at the library? I here they have the new Webster’s Dictionary!

Me: Ew! u wish u were meh

by Your Weird Uncle March 4, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

y are u gei

u are gei

reporter: y are u gei
man: who says i am gei
reporter u are gei

by September 14, 2020

U Wot M8

U Wot M8 is just text slang for ' You what mate?' - a confrontational phrase used mainly in Northern England. Normally in response to another confrontational phrase - see example below. It does make sense though is abbreviated, it is a shortened of "YOU are going to do WHAT, MATE?" Mate being the obvious indicator that there is trouble afoot. This abbreviation is probably the cause of much confusion to the American audience since they have similar difficulty with 'half two' meaning half past two (not one or one thirty like some of the common guesses).

"I am going to twat you."
"U Wot M8?"

"I did your Mum last night!"
"You what mate?"

by gingerbread_mun October 20, 2013

610πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž