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Beard Of Lincoln

Noun; A beard made of pubic hair and secured to the person's face by semen. The Beard of Lincoln is "given" by a man that ejaculates on their sexual partner's chin and cheeks, then rips a handful of his (or their) pubic hair and sprinkles the hair onto the semen. The semen secures the pubic hair to their face and resembles a beard.

"I busted my load on her chin, ripped out a handful of my pubic hair and threw it on the load." You would reply, "Oh man, you gave her the Beard of Lincoln."

by iceman 69 December 23, 2009

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Rat Beard

A rat beard is a haggard ass beard, that goes unshaven for many months. This beard is especially rat like due to the fact that it is repeatedly straightened.

Yo! Jam Masta Jay you should grow a rat beard and wear a turban, it would be rad!

by 138 Squid May 10, 2008

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Bearded Villians

A gay motorcycle club, except substitute Instagram for motorcycles. 6 cm minimums apply.

My bi veteran buddy just joined Bearded Villians.

by BeerDrinker6 July 17, 2019

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French Beard

When a woman grows out her armpit hair, shampoos it, and otherwise maintains its appearance.

Often the length of the hair is categorized using a numerical system. Due to the French origin of the practice, the classification is slangly called "Louis the __", where the __ is replaced with V or XIV depending on the length hair.

Megan is totally sporting a french beard. A Louis the XIV at least - no joke!

by panagalokis October 24, 2010

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rocking a beard

gotta be bangin to rock a beard, if you aren't bangin, then just don't bother

"wow he isn't rocking a beard, he isn't banging"

by hotnotsovirginmelissa. December 21, 2008

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Penis Beard

Having enough penises in face to be beard-like.

i.e. that pornstar has a three dick penis beard.

by Dick Beard Getgutenschtond December 10, 2011

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Barley Beard

The pussy hair of a girl who has who only has sex after consuming mass quantities of beer, ale or malt liquor

Man, me and Monica were going out for weeks and I got Nothing. Then she put away a twelver of Old Mil and I couldn't keep her Barley Beard off my face.

by Eldo76 November 17, 2010

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