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simple like that

Something that is so blatantly obvious, that there is no confusion as to what the answer or resolution is. Not to be confused with "simple as that" or "plain and simple". A phrase used frequently in the Ecuadorian-American community.

"I will not be working until 2pm becuase the World Cup is on - it's simple like that."

by user8857 June 21, 2018

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Like Whoamance

An intense, passionate tryst.

John and Marsha's weekend at the cottage proved to be an epic Like Whoamance.

by Curtis Meyer October 26, 2009

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Like Whoa

Like whoa is commonly used when something is simply too great for words.

Sig eps at WCU are the best like whoa.

by I'm all secret like whoa September 23, 2005

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I like you like a friend

This is a type of being friendzoned.
Happens when asking a girl out or say you like her.

Boy: Do you want to go on a date with me?
Girl: I like you like a friend
Boy: friendzoned
Girl: We can still be friends?

by Yeet master in the army November 12, 2017

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Like A Boss

A cheesy sounding catchphrase, commonly used by Wannabes and Try-Hards in an attempt to make themselves sound cool, when it actually makes them sound corny.

Person 1: I do everything Like A Boss!
Person 2: Lol, whatever! (Shakes head and walks away)

by ChrisMBurdick July 25, 2016

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Like a Sturgeon

The act of dancing like a fish.

Guy 1: Check her out.
Guy 2: Yeah, she's so doin' it Like a Sturgeon.

by Jack De August 30, 2008

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like spam

Much like spam, it is an often unwanted and nearly meaningless act except it is on facebook.

A like spammer uses the Facebook Like Button on a person unrelentingly on all of their pictures, comments, notes and whatever other crap they have posted on fbook.

The act has no monetary gain and only exhibits the like spammers true lack of a life and friends. It is done for teh lulz and the common response is ffffuuuu.

Hector: Dude I totally hate spam on fbook
Storian: Haha, I'm gonna like spam Leo!
Hector: Yes! Make sure to get all his emo statuses and stupid FarmVille posts!!! FTW ZOMG

by tehecLULZ March 18, 2011

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