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gender karen

Modern day Terf.

A woman who excludes trans women from feminism.
Some write books about wizards.

Our local gender karen is obsessed with bathrooms

by Tramps December 14, 2020

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Fat Karen

Any four door pickup truck driven as a personal vehicle.

Tyler had to choose between child support and making the payment on his Fat Karen 350

by JB Hooligan December 16, 2022

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karen guise

She is one of the coolest people I have ever met. Awesome and funny, chilled and cool. Honestly, she is amazing!

Whos awesome? Karen Guise is!!!

by graceharrvie May 28, 2016

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Counter Karenism

When a person of mixed ethnicity (Caucasian and African American) subconsciously expresses his or her inner Karen (Caucasian side) by complaining about racial injustice or white privilege in the same way that a true Karen would complain to the manager of a restaurant.

Jussie Smollett exhibited counter karenism with his false accusations or a racially motivated hate crime.

Meghan Markle frequently uses counter karenism tactics by accusing the royal family of racism.

by PianoChamp45 November 18, 2021

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Korean Karen

A standard Karen but found in Korean form, self important, slightly racist and an over bloated ego, often seen in asian restaurants moaning at minimum waged staff about having to wait 3 seconds for a food order!

Look at the Korean Karen, she’s just demanded the manager stations that poor waiter at her table to pour her tea! Bugger the rest of the customers!

by Slackhaddock July 31, 2020

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Karen Bailey

Anything that is chemical, natural, or bio-degradable.

A Karen Bailey's volume can NOT be turned down nor can it be shut-off. The Karen Bailey continually talks. Sometimes the speech can be about bands like "Cute Is What We Aim For." It also often talks about the effect on jungle men when they're exposed to AFI and large amounts of alcohol. A Karen Bailey can also talk about deep things like font size and anal gas.

"Dude, check out my Karen Bailey. Now, I can learn about the ozone layer and evolution!"

by Kirsten Simon January 26, 2007

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covid karen

A person who wants to cosplay normalcy, whatever the cost. She needs to go back to yelling to the cashier at Kohl's, and she will kill her parents to do so. Is unable to entertain her two large sons, Braelyn and Jailyn by herself, needs them to be able to tell and run around in public again. Her husband is around the house too often, he needs to get back to his work wife. She needs to get her hair done, and is excited to risk the health of her "hair girl" for her own vanity.

I had to go to Target today, and this COVID Karen brought all of her kids to walk the wrong way down the one way aisles. I hope she gets the virus and wishes for the sweet release of death from her bed for 29 days.

by TheOfficeAndFRIENDSareBad May 17, 2020

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