Source Code

Cornhub Night

the answer to why your mom found creamed corn all over your sheets

also the answer as to why you laid out 10 lines of cornstarch and a razor and a straw

I was up till 5 am on Cornhub Night. My mom woke me up and found creamed corn on my sheets.

by latinojodido March 7, 2016

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Night Rider

A male or female who has an undistinguishable love for the black race men.

"Look at her wide pussy, she must be a night rider!"

by MANBUSTmeow August 13, 2014

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night turd

night turd (nyt-ter-d)
Ln: somnadefecate.

1. a mispronounciation / mishearing of 'night terror'.

2. more likely, a condition or syndrome involving 'turding' in the night. usually occurs while unconscious. can be accompanied by horrific screaming - sufferers generally woken up in the night by rolling in their own faeces.
3. Famous night turd sufferers include Lionel Ritchie and Guy Sebastian.

"watch out man, you almost stepped on a night turd.'

Shirl: 'Did you know that everything has faeces on it?'
Prav: 'Really? man, must be all those night turders'

by black stump March 30, 2011

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Goof Night

Going out on a Saturday night...People that usually go out Saturday work Mon-Fri, get drunk,vommit,cause bar fights..

As Paris Hilton says" I Don't Go Out On Goof Night"
"We don't roll on Goof Night"

by RIRIRI May 17, 2007

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golden night

A night when a male has sex with two girls at once.

Did you hear Andrew had a golden night at the party.

by magic dave7 February 24, 2016

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The extra dark eyeliner a person applies before going out for the evening, similar to the smokey eye make-up look.

I'm going to put on my night-liner before we hit the clubs.

by Lolabro May 21, 2012

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Night king

When you are in the dark getting Noshed off and just before you are about to CUM you shout


and then shine a torch in her face

It was dark and I didn't see her face so I carried on till the end then Night king to get a look after

by Harry3159 March 3, 2018

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