n. (1980's USA) Someone who bounces from clique to clique.
Unlike a social climber, whose intent is usually to work one's way "up" a social pecking order, a social frog is just trying to have as much fun as possible without getting attached to the cliques they jump into.
Differs from a social butterfly in that the social frog is less likely to be welcome.
I used to think Fred was cool b/c he was partying every Saturday night, until I realized he was just a social frog who didn't have any real friends.
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An individual who is too socially awkward, uninteresting or repulsive to make his or her own friends, and therefore latches on to someone else for networking reasons.
"Sarah is such a social lamprey! Nobody likes her, but she bugs her boyfriend's friends constantly!"
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When you post a status on Facebook, asking people something or just a status you know will generate a lot of comments and the first person to comment on it is the person nobody likes and you aren't sure why you're friends with them, but they write some dumb comment and then nobody else wants to comment because it's all fucked up by the person, trapping you in a social condom.
Keith: hey is anyone going up to the mountain friday?
Curtis: I am! Hope I see you there!!! :)
Keith (thinking): wow just great. Now I'm trapped in a social condom!
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The word decadence, which at first meant simply "decline" in an abstract sense, is now most often used to refer to a perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an empire or nation state.
The social decadence of the american people is mostly caused by movies and false idols!
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social media for deplorable people.
"Buck just joined truth social; he's such a nut job."
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A place where all banned (or smyffed) profiles go to die. On a similar level to Heaven, Hell, Mecca or Valhalla.
Do not worry though, the spirit of the profile will be reincarated in another form.
Remember that famous scene from The Lion King:
Scar: You have NO idea....So, your father showed you the whole network, did he?
Simba: Everything.
Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the RSS Feed...?
Simba: Well, no... he said I can't go there.
Scar: And he's absolutely right. It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest profiles go there.
Simba: Well, I'm brave! What's out there?
Scar: No, I'm sorry, Simba, I just can't tell you.
Simba: Why not?
Scar: Simba, Simba, I'm only looking out for the well- being of my favorite profile.
Simba: Yeah, right, I'm your only profile.
Scar: All the more reason for me to be protective. A social graveyard is no place for a young prince...Oops!
Simba: A social what? Whoa.
Scar: Oh dear, I've said too much... Well, I suppose you'd have smyffed it sooner or later, you being so clever and all, just do me one favor - promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.
Simba: No problem.
Scar: There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember... it's our little secret.
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Facebook user who wastes inordinate amount of time on Flash-based games. Such games typically have cute anime characters with huge eyes and tiny mouths/bodies.
Social gamers enjoy hours of useless tasks such as clicking endlessly to gain game points or "money" (such as coins, gold, jewels, etc.). They even spend real money on non-real (digital) game objects such as pink tractors or green polka-dotted pets.
Social gamers seem also to delight in annoying the heck out of non-gamer Facebook users who get constantly bombarded with requests to help out with their farm, island, pet, etc. (Or maybe they're just totally unaware how much the constant requests annoy other users.)
Social gamers clutter up Facebook with lots of useless updates and requests.
Without social gamers a lot less time would be wasted on Facebook.
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