The kid/kids that everyone meets in high school that have nothing better to do than flex in the mirror, fake their depression, very badly lip sync songs, play rust, get tattoos in some Asian countries, vape, cheat on their girlfriend (multiple times), flirt with everything that moves or breaths (Girls only) and most importantly look like lesbians
20๐ 6๐
A phrase often used to back pedal after you said something insulting, especially to a friend.
Example 1:
Girl 1: What happened to your face?? It looks like you got in a fight with a raccoon...
Girl 2: Huh?? You don't like my make up?!?
Girl 1: I'm kidding!!
Example 2:
Girl 1: Your boyfriends a manwhore. I slept with him last night. He wasn't all that good either.
Girl 2: But we promised we would wait til marriage!! *bursts into tears*
Girl 1: Umm...I'm kidding?
Girl 2: Oh okay!
19๐ 5๐
A summer camp where you come in the beginning of the summer with excitement and leave with memories and everlasting friendships. Don't mind the name- this camp was made years ago..the important thing is that the friendships the campers make last a lifetime.
Campus Kids is my favorite place in the world and i can't wait to see my ck-ers next summer! I love the place, i love the people, and i miss it more and more each day
36๐ 12๐
A kid or teenager who lives in a crowded urban area where a high level of crime is common, and where the stereotypical types of people are easily seen.
George is a city kid. He spends all day watching his back and he takes public transportation. He also makes sure he does not draw attention to himself.
Jimmy is NOT a city kid. He flashed a 50 in a classmate's face, only to get jumped right after school by the Bloods.
48๐ 16๐
Based in Orange County, California.
A fresh kid is usually found listening to some DeadMau5 or Dubstep, and is wearing some vans or jack parcells with high socks, muscle shirt, and some rock & republics, and of course a pair of icy diamond studs. They hair is usually somewhat short in the front and is kind of long along their necks.
You can normally kid a fresh kid hitting up a t-shirt plus.
These kids usually think they are they shit, and wants everyone to know it.
VV Fresh Kid Convo's VV
Drake: " Yo Dylan, Am i looking fresh enough?"
Dylan: "Nahh Man, you need some new jacks, not lookin' fresh enough"
Troy: " Ayy Sam, Let's hit up Kendra's house then go down to T-Shirt Plus, Ya dig?"
Sam:" Yaaadd Mannn"
31๐ 10๐
A person that has a lofted bed and has his desk placed underneath it, and likes to sit at his desk for exponentially long amounts of time, doing activities such as youtubing, masturbating, and/or stalking the "f-book"
Person 1 - yo is rook kid still chilling in his rook?
Person 2 - oh you mean erik scheffler?
Person 1 - yeah... his real names rook kid.
Person 2 - yeah rook kid never leaves his rook.
31๐ 10๐
that bitch took all of my liquid kids after she gave me skull
31๐ 10๐