Using different major tech devices at the same time, that are not compatible with each other.
My husband uses a IPad , Apple watch, but his cell phone is by Galaxy. He's bi-techual,
A person (usually female) who likes women sexually, but will only play with them from the waist up.
Waist down for them is a no-go.
Carly thinks Angelina is super hot but she's upper-bi & will only make out with her & play with her boobies.
When you start saying the word "bitch" when you were supposed to or trying to say "beach"
Usually the person stutters or holds the syllable in an awkward way after noticing the mistake. Sometimes the person says more letters of the word "bitch" before correcting the phrase to "beach". Occasionally the person will say the part of the word "beach" louder after starting to say the word bitch or yell "BEACH!" after finishing a word like bi-each.
Pronunciations include bitsheach, biteach, etc.
"Let's go to the bi-each...?"
"I'm going to the bitch, BEACH! I MEANT TO SAY BEACH, I SWEAR!"
"I'm going to go to the bi-EACH!"
"I hate the biiiiiiEACH! BEACH!"
This definition was inspired by real events
When your partner is so fine that you get jealous of either of the two sexes.
Bruh! She even gets mad when I’m talking to a male bartender. She bi-jealous!
To be confused or taken aback
‘She said she liked the teacher and I said du bi qui!!??’
a bis that looks ugly but u can call him or her "YOU BOOTIFUL BIS" then they wont think you are rude or somethin or you maybe shorten it into "BOOTIFUL BIS"
This word may be used in different places, enjoy using this BOOTIFUL word! ;))
A place, residency, room etc where bisexuality is encouraged and safely housed.
Have you heard about the new bi-den on Fremont Street?