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A place where straight guys act gay just to score with females

"why do you simp for girls on twitter"

by randi101 April 13, 2020


A place to find dumb shit like fights shooting sex news and more its pretty fucking gay.

Twitter A dumb fucking place used for whatever content you can think of



A great place for tea.

“Did you see the James and Tati drama on Twitter?”

by sereneblossom May 15, 2019


a toxic social media platform filled with oversensitive faggots that act like toddlers, oh wait toddlers can think better than that,

man twitter is the worst social media platform on earth im quitting

by ilovehugeass56lawl October 15, 2022


A beautiful place where you can get cancelled, get your opinions wrecked, and more!

I'mma get cancelled for being on Twitter..

by partyparty12 May 26, 2023


A terrible place packed to the brim with children/adults that are children who hate fun and people who have fun and just people in general; everybody hates the site yet will continue to use it because we are a foolish species who are doomed to repeat our worst mistakes. Speaking of which, let me go check twitter.

"Hey, did you see the news about ___ on Twitter this morning? I heard that they were getting cancelled fo-"
"God let me escape this blue, winged hell"

by epicgamner69 December 19, 2022


A platform with hundreds and thousands of stupid, dumb, idiotic, waste of time arguments, plus a bonus of thousands of thirst-trap and sex bots account, waiting for your reply, hoping to get yes as an answer.

"Hey, I found something on Twitter!"
"What is it?"
"I-I don't know... but I agreed to this.. please come look at this."
"Dude, you just fell for a thirst-trap. What the hell is wrong with you, John?"

by imperfectcub178 December 3, 2022