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double coyote ugly

double coyote Ugly is when you wake up next to the woman you had sex with the night before,and you realize in your sober state that she is the UGLIEST woman you have ever seen, and you realize she is laying on your arm. Instead of waking her up to move, you chew off your arm to free yourself and chew off the other arm to make sure it never happens again.

I woke up next to Hilda and she was double coyote ugly, I chewed off my arm so I did not have to wake her and chewed off my other arm so it would never happen again.

by Denny Bob November 14, 2007

38πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

go ugly early

The philosophical viewpoint which advocates the lowering of standards earlier in the process of courtship rather than later, believing it to be more efficient and ultimately more satisfying in the long run. While some see this as a disturbingly bleak prospect, proponents remind their detractors that "at least we're getting our jimmies waxed while you poor bastards are off beating your pud to Shirley Bassey records."

Trust me, dude, GO UGLY EARLY, or you'll die alone with your pants around your ankles, clutching your shriveled penis in your cold, dead hand with a look of stark terror on your face, frozen in time from the moment that the gray void invades your soul and stops your spitting heart.

by DannyBoy1974 March 13, 2010

70πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

National ugly day

National Ugly day Is on Masieray birthday also January 30th

Bro on masieray birthday it’s finna be national ugly day

by @PeopleforPeople June 9, 2019

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

shit bucket ugly

A woman so ugly she would knock the warts off a galvanized shit bucket at 50 yards in the driving rain with her back turned.

Friend: What the fuck! Check out that chick!
You: Man, bro.....she is shit bucket ugly!

by Burke Mclain September 11, 2007

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

i am ugly

some annoying ass 13 year old girl that only wants attention.
girls is_actually_hot

jessica:"omggggg i am ugly and fat"
one good boi:"no you're actually hot and skinny"

by Oxford_guy_69 April 1, 2018

22πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Beaten with an ugly stick

Ugly visage beyond fugly. Intensely unattractive.

Damn!! Bitch looks like she bin beaten with an ugly stick!!

by 1961sg October 27, 2016

Ugly scp tato

A word that A noob made and UgLy sCp tAtO

Ugly scp tato.

by Mememan0456 September 17, 2021