When something is suspicious, a.k.a "sus."
The origins of the term stem from "fish" being a derivation of "fishy."
Jenny: I want a hotdog soooooooo bad
Matthew: That was big fish
A FAT streamer that doens't go outside or talk to women.
also is white and says the n-word
damn that boy is chunka (aka fat)
Damn that is a big chunka(aka fatass)
A session of prolonged binge drinking with total disregard for your own personal health or well being as well as the safety of those around you.
After a brutal week at work, Andy decided Saturday would definitely be a Big Earl day!
Breathtakingly irritating phrase used by idiots when they mean "big a deal"
Stopped getting worked up about people adding unnecessary words to sentences, it's not that big of a deal.
An overconfident, slightly condescending fat friend who consistently refers to himself as “Big Daddy.”
Group Chat
Joey: “Big Daddy is here boys!”
John: “You mean ‘Big Deli’?”
Brendan liked “You mean ‘Big Deli’?”
just look at the defenition of mr.jeremy
mr.jeremy is a big chungus