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Slay Points

An imaginary meter showing how much you slay. The highest (1st and 2nd) slay points are for the founder, my friend, and the co-founder, me, with the number in the example. Tip: You gain 0.0025 to 0.01 slay points a second for doing nothing.

Me: *gets 300 slay points for doing homework* Yes... 300 out of 634,257.381 in total.

by DaCuberz December 21, 2023

Slay Points

A counter showing how much you slay. Made by me and a friend.

Joshua: I got 132.67 slay points just now! I have 564,943 now!
Hudson: Cool!
Me: I have 631,643. I tie my friend at 1st.

by DaCuberz December 20, 2023

It goes without slaying

when the perception of every action you take is predicated on your widely accepted fierceness.

Beyoncé backstage - I'm about to savagely melt this audience's face off with my voice and my body, but It goes without slaying

by Gandalf the Slay July 31, 2017

No Slay

When someone does not look good in an outfit, it does not look like the outfit is supposed to be for them, or when they look weird doing something or doing something wrong in an odd way.

Human 1: Look at Jenny with her new blue dress. She always says she is better in that dress than everyone.

Human 2: Well Jenny no slay

by kanine8998 April 17, 2023

Messy Slaying

Messy Marv, a rapper who gained vast acclaim in the 90s, routinely included the word "messy" in his lyrics to affectionately describe individuals with a tendency to behave in an amusing manner that some may classify as unruly, dramatic, or controversial.

In the 70s and 80s, the word "slay" was redefined to describe and encourage people "killing it" with their moves and physical appearance on the dance floor.

The two were combined to create a term entitled "messy slaying" which translates to someone who is so attractive or successful in their endeavors that it sparks drama, incites mass controversy, or draws attention.

Girl, you messy slaying in that outfit, you not goin home alone tonight.

by thatdudewithadoggo December 17, 2024

Slay queen

A person who is a bad ass bitch and is untouchable because they are amazing, sassy, and bad.

Mosese is such a slay queen because of the outfit he put on for that Beyonce concert.

by October 4, 2023

Slay queen

a girl with nothing going on for her other than her looks

Her: "I will be married to a rich professor or politician by then."

Me: "and what will you be?"
Her: "the rich professor's beautiful wife."
Me: "a slay queen you say."

by Amino F July 15, 2021