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clown juice

A lousy, girly, or otherwise ridiculous drink ordered at a bar by a heterosexual male.

Jesus christ you homo, if you order another round of that clown juice for the table I'm going to break your face.

by Evan W. June 27, 2005

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clown down

1. to have a good time and act crazy in a way you generally would not act; to act a fool; to be silly with your crew. Generally, to enjoy yourself like you used to around the same group of people, and entertain each other acting silly without feeling the need to impress anyone.

"I can't wait 'til my posse comes to visit me next week, we gon' clown down the whole time."

by HeatMiser_SC January 1, 2012

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clown fart

A completely random sentence, or verse, with no validity.

"The Hakshoome toy recycling, and plastic fork manufacturing plant in Alberta." is a clown fart.

by Grim Realisation October 4, 2009

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clown nigger

someone that acts immaturely or as though they have autism.

Stop preaching for women's rights your acting like a clown nigger.

by The First Noel October 16, 2006

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clown baby

a whore who wears a lot of makeup

that elizabeth sure is a clown baby

by Warn the den. January 15, 2009

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Clown Dick

1 part Pinnacle Cotton Candy Vodka, 3 parts Mango Lemonade, 2 parts Strawberry Lemonade

Person 1: "This drink tastes like a memory I suppressed from when I was nine!"

Person 2: "It's called Clown Dick!"

Person 1: "When I sober up, I'm going to see a shrink."

by A Wiener May 11, 2013

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Clown Lip

The act of aggressively cleaning your rectum so much so that it becomes red, irritated and enflamed.

"John had spicy Habanero Wings last night and he's paying the price this morning. He's been in the bathroom 3 times and he's walking with a limp. He's got to be suffering from clown lip".

by Captain Fudgey May 14, 2009

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