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Wormy hole

When a women has a dirty vagina.

"Go wash your wormy hole.
It's dirty"

by Cocina April 8, 2016

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hickory hole

The stingy aftermath of a hot wing or grease fire shit accompanied by a burning sensation of the anus.

Seasonal: Summer Time

"After we ate dominos hot wings I was on the beach with some crucial hickory hole."

by ScripticMagician November 29, 2014

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Internet Hole

The black hole that is the internet - devourer of time. Tim Berners-Lee's final and greatest attack on the productivity of all humanity.

I fell into an Internet hole, and when I got out, I had missed brunch. fml.

by fid March 21, 2012

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Wolf Hole

A new "glass screen", used in glass smoking apparatuses, developed using multiple hollow tubes to obtain a "multi holed" pipe as opposed to a pipe in which air flows through only one chamber. Currently most commonly found on Wolfhole bats "onies". Originating in Fort Wayne Indiana. Nothing Smokes like a Wolfhole

Excuse me sir, do you happen to have any Wolf hole Bats?

by Wolfhole tech November 8, 2011

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Barf Hole

Any hole used for barfing to gain sexual satisfaction.

Barf into a partners asshole. They then shit your barf back into your mouth, now you can face them and barf that into their mouth. If your partner then swallows the shatbarf then a barf hole cycle has been completed. This is not the only way to enjoy barf hole, just a favorite among teens.

I broke up with Rosie because she won't do barf hole anymore.

by Healingprimrose April 27, 2011

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jump in a hole

The act of telling someone to jump in a hole after they make a ridiculous comment, or make a correct guess on jeopardy.

"Hey, Harry, you asshole, go jump in a hole."

by Mikerin February 17, 2014

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A blog where posts are made by a blogger to create drama, provoke arguments, or foster controversy. The reverse of a common internet troll who simply leaves comments to create drama. Troll-Holes are blogs written and controled by a troll, being a writer who writes posts that are meant to create drama.

That blog is such a troll-hole because the posts do nothing, but create drama and incite arguments among its readers.

by deadmantell August 3, 2012

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