When your best friend fucks your girlfriends sister.
Friend: Hey whats your girlfriends sisters name again?
Me: Carley.
Friend: Yeah I plowed her last night
Me: Well, looks like were fucker-in-laws.
When you keep watching law and order and never text yo boyfriend
My girlfriend have law and orderphobia
No talking about farts, poop or butts in AIM chat.
Him: "Fartburger buttexplosion!"
Her: "I asked you to please not say things like that in chat."
Him: "Oops, sorry my bad, broke the AIM law again..."
Named after Sinn Féin leader, Gerry Adams. Similar to Goodwin's law, this variation is an Irish version. When a topic is mentioned by an Irish person or on an Irish forum, as the length of the discussion grows, the probability approaches one that
(1) the IRA, Sinn Féin, "the troubles", Northern Ireland or The Irish Civil War will be mentioned.
What the hell, this forum title was about New Zealand planning on changing their flag and a mere 5 posts in, Adam's Law strikes!
Huxley’s Law is a name given to a rule posited by the British author and futurist Aldous Huxley in the introduction to his dystopian novel, “Brave New World”:
“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.”
It states that governments ease restrictions on sexual freedoms as a means to palliate the public as their political and economic rights and freedoms are taken away. This can be done as a means to refocus the public’s attention away from traditional value systems and mores to physical pleasures and to distract a populace by making them think they are gaining more freedoms than in the past, when the opposite is true.
The government’s focus on promoting sexual issues while taking away our ability to speak and trade is just another example of Huxley’s Law in action.
A law that stated that something is correct if attributed to Mariano, whether Mariano actually said it or not
Claire: Mariano says that you are always wrong and that I am awesome and perfect and amazing.
Jerry: Not true, and did he actually say that?
Claire: Mariano's law say that it is, and that he did.
The "Law of Bockung" describes a mindset in which an individual seeks out only things that satisfy their immediate cravings and whims.
It has seen especially strong spread among german college students in recent years, even being nominated as "Youth Word of the Year" in 2021
A: Hey, you want to learn for BWL with me later today?
B: nah man, i'm all about that Law of Bockung
A: Hell yeah, you're right man. Let's have some Beers