When you don't use the Internet for at least 3 days.
A: Where's C?
B:He's at the internet cafe since 4:00.
A:What happened to him?
B:C suffered Internet Starvation for 1 whole month.
A: :(
Someone who does nothing but uses the internet all day and consumes content is never satisfied and never contributes.
Man grow a brain and stop being such an internet Zombie!
That ineffable boredom that overcomes one when surfing on the fastest Internet connection on Earth .... and there's still nothing worth looking at.
God! I should have gone out tonight, THERE'S NOTHING ON THE INTERNET!!!
1.Looking for information about someone online
2.Looking up on the internet random things in hopes that you might find something cool or weird.
friend 1: dude guess what?
friend 2: what?
friend 1: so I was internet digging yesterday and found a random public google drive folder filled 342 images of literal hotdogs.
A small pixie that hacks your internet a.k.a. Moms
Hey mom your such a internet fairy
Posting everything about you and the things you do on social media.
(ex: personal issues, where you are, what you’re doing, etc)
Jack: “she posts everything on social media”
Mathew: “yeah, she’s internet made”
A guy who it seems impossible, that he has a life in the outside world.
"I swear does Justin Bieber ever stop posting on Facebook. It's like he all he does in life is post memes and selfies."
Selena Gomez- " He's the definition of Internet guy. He just lives out his life on the Internet."