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linkin park

-Everything that is wrong with radio, music on television, and America.
-They ruin eveyone's day when they come on the radio, because the only thing worse than a punk-emo band is a nu-metal emo band....that thinks they can rap.
-Their fanbase generally consists of suburban 'rebel' teens who started listening to LP in response to N'Sync and Creed.
Of course, Linkin Park is no better than Creed or Nickelback, etc.
-Apparently Linkin Park makes them feel hard & streetwise, as their fans are usually snotty, hot topic shoppers, who empower the capitalist machine by buying the crappy corporate music and clothing pushed to them.

Dude 1- Man this mosquito has been buzzing round my ear all day and it's annoyin the shit outta me!
Dude 2- No dude, that is just Linkin Park, they've been on the radio all day ever since they sucked Rupert Murdoch's dick.

by Hozzle May 8, 2007

415πŸ‘ 380πŸ‘Ž

Linkin Park

An overprocessed, prepackaged, mass produced commercial soft rock/pop act that calls itself "rock" or "metal" because they happen to be very slightly, marginally heavier than other, nearly identical overprocessed, prepackaged, mass produced commercial soft rock/pop acts such as N'Sync.

Linkin Park is to music as McDonald's is to food

by d3d March 15, 2006

541πŸ‘ 505πŸ‘Ž

linkin park

the crappy nu metal with the annoying crying baby lead singer. they have the fan base of 15 year old bitches who watch too much mtv.

do u know linkin park?

yeah, i know that overrated band which their music videos being too overplayed on mtv.

by fgsdfgsdg April 17, 2007

451πŸ‘ 415πŸ‘Ž

Linkin Park

Little Girly Boys

1. Linkin Park, rather than being manly, are Little Girly Boys.

2. I prefer Linkin Park's music, it relates to my Little Girly Boy side.

by F-Dub October 17, 2008

409πŸ‘ 377πŸ‘Ž

Jurassic Park

A term for a feature or product which was only implemented because it could be.

From the quote 'your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should'

Manager come to you and says implement this feature just because we can. - Jurassic Park

by dsn February 17, 2012

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Theme park

The location used by tourists who claim to have visited the country but instead stayed at the hotel the whole time.

- they haven’t visited the real country they just moved geographically.

Friend β€œ where have you been this summer?”
You β€œ i’ve been to Portugal and went to a resort.β€œ
Friend β€œ so you stayed at a theme park.”

by THELATINKID April 22, 2021

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

park and spark

When you park your car at night or day and get it on with another.

Nick: yo bro, did you park and spark last night?
Dex: yeah man, we found the best spot and made it good

by Bottombassbeatz October 24, 2013

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž