being fucked, being slutted out, gangbanged, or in general a person that is ran thru
bro i hear shes been bopped by everyone
what a bop
When a person has a song written for them by an artist and the song is actually good.
“Congratulations, you got bopped”
“Keshia Chanté got bopped by Drake”
To get fucked by someones dribble move or screen
Damn darrel, yo ass got bopped on that screen
A word that is used when you eliminate someone in a battle royale or a FPS game
Gamer: Get Bopped kid
Eliminated Gamer: Aww fuck you!
a term the cool kids use when they get caught for doing dumb things.
Jake: *high as shit in school*
Guard: *peeps hes fried*
Guard: come w me
Jake: oh shit... just got bopped :(
Getting caught doing something that you shouldn’t be doing. Mostly refers to a white kid getting caught vaping a bathroom at school
Dan: “Yo Robie why you crying”
Robie: “I got bopped in the bathroom by Mike Shea”
Dan: “ Were you vaping?”
Robie: “Yea”
The blood way of saying "copped"
Barl: Whatchu got dawg?
Braig: oh I just bopped these new J's homies
Barl: they fly homie we bickin back bein bool