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Umad bro?

A great way to make a mad bro even madder. Used when anger is obvious, to trigger rage for personal amusement.

Random Drunk Guy: Who the f**k do you think you are dancing with my girl
Awesome Guy: Umad bro?
Random Drunk Guy: IMMA F**KN ...

by Makro3922 November 17, 2010

96๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Beard

1. A beard style that naturally grows on a bro
2. A beard which innately designates someone as a bro

-From chops to chin
-Strictly chin hair

"Dude, check that guy out! He's such a bro!"
"No kidding, check out his bro beard."

by RobertOldhead April 8, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

douche bro

A combination of the terms douche bag and dude bro, which describes an even more annoying type of person than each term used singularly.
This type of person was/is probably in a fraternity. They may hold an esteemed position at a company. He is a pompous asshole. However, he is also fun. He likely surfs, shotguns beers, and smokes weed. He probably spits on the sidewalk and talks too loud to his clients/friends on his cell phone in a quiet place like post office or elevator.

My coworker, Zac, just tried to high five me after yelling at our waitress for forgetting his side of fries that he never even ordered. That guy is such a douche bro.

by jessicagay October 20, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Bail

To bail on ones bro(s).

Chris: Hey dude, you still want to go grab some grub?

Nate: Sorry man, change of plans. I'm just going to jack off to some gay porn.

Chris:...You fucking bro bailer.


Scott: Ian, didn't Nate say he was coming to our kegger tonight?

Ian: No, he decided to stay in to watch the Gossip girls marathon with his gf.

Scott: Wow, what a douche.

Cory: He's like the unholy king of bro bailing.

by FortyLicks March 16, 2009

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honorary bro

a girl thats one chill mother fucker

honorary bros are usually named SARAH

by broskiii4 November 4, 2010

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Chill Bro

Somebody who tries to be cool with everybody, and fit in where ever he may go. The rational thought of a Chill Bro is severly slanted when compared to any normal person. The ideas brewed within a Chill Bros mind are enough to chill normal people to the bone. Occasional contact with Chill Bros is sometimes impossible to avoid, although be warned, too much contact may result in a normal person catching hypothermia, or even frostbite. Any and all ideas, actions, or motives presented by a chill bro, shall be classified simply as, Chill.

Man, I wish there werent so many Chill Bros around, i'm gunna catch a cold.

by thats chillll April 24, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Debate Bro

Someone who has figured out how to make a living by appealing to teenage bros who couldn't tell what a sound argument looked like if it hit them flat in the face, as exemplified by the most popular entry on this page. Such youth believe that the more insults and taunts are crammed into a sentence, the more effective a refutation, especially when paired with WWE heel style self-praise and a loud, masculine voice. The movie Idiocracy inevitably comes to mind.

Debate bro fan - Brah, did you watch ToughCommieHooligan last night? He DESTROYED that liberal professor!
Educated youth - No. How did the professor lose?
- Well you know, TCH said he had a mosquito level I.Q. He also laughed very loudly every time the professor tried to respond. It was carnage!!
- Okay...

by TheUncleGrandpa November 1, 2021

67๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž