Source Code

Exclamation Point Fail

When you are typing an exclamation point and your pinky lifts of the shift key resulting in a typed "1" instead of a "!"

John: FUCK YES!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!
Robert: Dude, you just "Exclamation Point Failed" all over the place!

by Ellron October 14, 2010

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Water Rocket Fail

An incident where a water rocket fails to get off the ground, possibly exploding when launched

Hey Zach Dibble just cut a 2-liter bottle in half and attached it to a piece of pipe and he thinks it'll win the contest" "Wow, thats a water rocket fail

by aBipolarTree May 7, 2011

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fail desu

Something you say when someone has done terribly at something.

Random Person 1: Do you even remember my birthday?
Random Person 2: Uhmm.... February 9th?
Random Person 1: FAAILL DESU!!!
Other Random Person: You fail desu.

by ducksarecool December 20, 2007

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And that is why you fail

A phrase used to indicate when a person is at fault or had made some sort of mistake. Can be used in a similar manner as "that's what she said" at the end of the persons' sentence.

Leaving the mall after a long day of shopping for a friends birthday present

Jake: Dude, so what did you buy?
Adam: I bought some shirts, jeans, and a fresh pair of kicks.
Jake: So which one of those is the gift?
Adam: ....gift?

Jake: And that is why you fail...

by AllEyzeOnE March 11, 2010

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Da_BuzZ, also known as dbGb`

When some one tries to pwn some one on IRC but doesnt. b0b and olli pwn dafuzz hes such a MEGA FAIL

by b0bberts July 11, 2008

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Epic Embed Fail

Slang for wanting to do the dirty

Bro 1: Epic Embed Fail
Bro 2: Aight ๐Ÿ˜ณ

by myfatherfigurebeatsme December 28, 2022

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my crops are failing

When your vagina can't get dick. You got crusty ass pussy

Oh god my crops are failing

by The crop April 12, 2016

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