Source Code

Slip You the Glass Banana

To pull a fast one. Deception with ill intent.
Origin: Government employees.

After the vendor had finished speaking, the chief technologist turned to procuct lead and said "don't let them slip you the glass banana."

by MagicLantern June 9, 2009

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stained glass window

believed to be the remnants of a feudal alien race that would use the fragile object to reflect the rays of the sun and blind their enemies with an aurora of colorful light only to spare enough time to make a meatloaf

He threw the stained glass window onto the rock and it shattered into pieces.

by Kuckoo birdies September 14, 2003

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Warm Glass of Shut the Hell Up

Movie reference from the Adam Sandler film โ€œHappy Gilmoreโ€ in which a Nursing Home Orderly, played by Ben Stiller, authoritatively denies the polite request for a glass of warm milk by Happyโ€™s grandmother.

Grandma: Sir, can I trouble you for a warm glass of milk? It helps me go to sleep.
Nursing Home Orderly: You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut the hell up. Now, you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep. Check out the name tag. You're in my world now, grandma.

by nws December 24, 2008

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offering a drowning man a glass of water

doing something that you think is helpful but that only makes the situation worse

She was trying to explain the situation simpler, but it was just like offering a drowning man a glass of water.

by HiddenPaw September 16, 2008

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Box Frame Emo Glasses

1. Glasses of a rectangular nature, generally with thick, black frames. These are used to denote emo kids.
2. A greating for a person who wears such glasses, generally shouted.

1. Wow that kid must love Likin Park, just emo his box frame glasses are!

by Nu7case March 26, 2004

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cold glass of shut the hell up

Something you serve to people who talk shit. Sometimes it is something you serve before a can of whup or whoop ass(which ever you prefer.)

You talk a lot of shit, how about a nice cold glass of shut the hell up. If you keep it, I'll open up a can of whoop ass.

by gregg francois June 2, 2006

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Would you like a glass of WATTAA

Simple game in which one person will say Would you like a glass of....When saying WATTTAAA the person will make it sound like a bruce lee soundFX and hit the other person in the chest.

"Hey dude would you like a glass of WATTAA"
"Ow dude...Ow"

by Mat Lee April 26, 2007

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