Source Code

Saunders Middle School

A horrible school that has a large majority of kids that are against white people

saunders white kid: *eats taki*

Saunders Middle School hispanic kid: “umm you can’t eat those your white”

by sksk33 April 14, 2019

16👍 3👎

The Middle Of Buttfuck Nowhere

To be in the middle of Buttfuck nowhere.
Hillbilly country.

To be on an isolated place in the middle of nowhere.

Well done Terry, now the car's smashed up and we're IN THE MIDDLE OF BUTTFUCK NOWHERE, all because you had to hotbox THE FUCKING CAR WHILE DRIVING... WITH THE WINDOWS UP! FUCK YOU TERRY. FUCK YOU.

Just like that Hillbilly's over there's going to do.


20👍 3👎

Middle finger erection

1. International understanding of 'fuck you'.

2. When your stupidity gives my middle finger an erection.

3. Also known as a middle finger boner.

4. Best way to articulate anger without words.

┌∩┐ ►_◄ ┌∩┐ ... ╭∩╮(︶ε︶メ)╭∩╮



...................../..../ /





..........''...\.......... _.·´



That's a middle finger erection

Need i say more ?

Girlfriend : How could you even look at other women when i am your girlfriend *shouts*

Guy : Stop it, you are turning me on !! i am feeling an erection !!!

Girlfriend: Huh ?? seriously ?!?!

Guy : Yeah, a middle finger erection !!!





.('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')


...'\................ _.·´



by zingeraddict October 2, 2011

19👍 4👎

madison middle school

A place where crack heads and pervs like to teach kids useless crap. Half the kids are on drugs...that they most likely got from their teachers. Don't sit up front.. you might get raped.

Mom: Get ready for school honey.
Child: Do i have to go to madison middle school?
Mom: Yes dear. It's in your district.
Child: I heard that some teachers give you surprises.
Mom: Like what?
Child: Some kind of fairy dust thats supposed to make you feel good. Something like magic I guess.
Mom: .......

by Justmyluck. September 6, 2008

44👍 13👎

Middle Child Syndrome

an emotional scarring condition.
Middle children are known for ending up with the things that are too big for the baby in the family and too small for the oldest.
it is a known fact the youngest and oldest are treated differently than the middle child for the oldest is the first child aka favorite
and the smallest is the baby aka the last child known for getting whatever they desire because they are the "baby"

Middle Children sydrome includes
neglect, forgotten dates, and sometimes in bad cases forgetting they even exist.

i lived through this condition,
it is not fatal
just difficult.

a first born: OH i just got this GREAT new car!
a middle child: oh...i have to wait until my sister wrecks hers...then i can have that and they will get her a new one
a first born: oh Middle Child Syndrome, i see.

by yeayeayea. March 11, 2006

952👍 411👎

Eastern Middle School

A public school located in Eastern Middle School- a general shithole complete with cockroaches, drugs around ever corner, several violent gangs, and a gifted and talented Humanities and Communications magnet program filled with Irish royalty, Chevy chase preps and Asian math nerds.

Person 1: Oh, you went to Eastern Middle School?

Person 2: Yeah, what do you do?
Person 1: Oh, I'm the CEO of a large corporation. You?
Person 2: Cool, I'm one of the leaders of MS-13.

by Hahaha.Hahaha.Hahaha June 13, 2010

93👍 33👎

Lick the Middle Finger

1.To have to suck it up and deal with a situation.

2. Another way, if used in the context "Lick my middle finger" can be another way to say "fuck you" in a less In-your-Face fashionisto.

Boyfriend: Hey, Tim my moms coming over for brunch!
Tim: But...ugh..babe, i love you, but your mom...are you serious? c'mon, you kidding me? why are you letting that woman in our house?
Boyfriend: Look, sometimes you just need to lick the middle finger and suck it up, she's your mother in law.

by Jay-Deee October 6, 2012

12👍 2👎