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Halle Berry

The kind of pussy that’s out of order want stay or can’t get wet “Efficiently” and Men do not like

Man bruh she sexy as shit but she got that “Halle Berry” Vagina it just don’t feel right or get wet

by King Renzo January 26, 2021

cake berry

A bottle of water

Sara, would you like a cake berry?

by suckgustoe August 30, 2015

Berry Walker

A mix of frozen berries and cola and Johnny Walker

Give me a Berry Walker

by The grand martes January 9, 2019


Berri a militia leader , don corleone style, who launched ISIS style attacks against the Lebanese state causing death and distraction. His followers are referred to as Barrys, for their corruption, they participate in money laundering and have been sanctioned by the US for drug trafficking.

Oh man he got caught attacking his business partner, brought his thugs to beat him. He is such a berri.

by Thunderbird007 May 23, 2022


A person who is really tired, people might not realize how exhausted they are because they usually characterize or exaggerate their issues as to not be taken too seriously. Berri loves her friends and family with all their heart and they hope nothing but the best for the ones they love. Motivation for projects and work is hard for them but they have potential they will one day learn to use

Berri: haha I’m sooo tired! I should stop watching YouTube until 2am and eat more than cup noodles LOL
Person: Berri you have to stop making ur mental health issues look like a silly quirk

Berri: hush! nobody needs to hear that

by Void.girl August 8, 2022


51 %

Donating 51% of your company shares to Berri is a prerequisite in order to start it up in the regions ruled by Amal movement

by F. K. A February 17, 2021


a very hot sexy person soooo funny super cool and has a shit ton of bitches!

Berri is so cool hot and sexy i wish i was them!!

by BERRILOLZ May 9, 2022