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Fake Poon Landing

When someone brags about sleeping with a girl when they haven't

"Yo Dave i totally shagged Diane last night".

"Nah Dave, she's away on holiday mate, I call bullshit on your fake poon landing"

by nav's mum March 24, 2017

Magic Poon Bus

A bunch of women that are from a school of magic who are also ladies of the night.

For my brother's bachelor party, we went downtown Salem and all of us caught The Magic Poon Bus!

by BeatleBabe007 September 26, 2024

Poon Bashing

The Act of Finding Driving Wrecklessly around a town, in order to find Wandering Poon, than once in the truck poon is humped than dumped on the next stop.

Bob- Would you like to go Poon Bashing?
Jim- No thank you my amigo, your transvestite friend Candi tried to make me his-rs bitch last time i went with you.

by O.U.8.me. June 8, 2011


Not being clean shaven. (specific to females)

When your pubic hairs are short enough to feel like needles but not long enough to lay over.

Similar to a mans 5-O'clock shadow.

Sally: hey feel my muff!
Doris: What why?
Sally: just do it!
Doris: Feels it... "OUCH" damn shave that PORCU-POON!
Sally: That should thwart off any man!

Whats a Porcu-poon? ITs a mash up/spin of the words PORCUPINE and POON.

Man and woman lay down in bed together..
Woman tries to spoon with man.
Man Screetches! "Woman" he says... "Go shave that Porcu-Poon!"
while he recovers from the multitude of needle like stabs on his backside.

by The.Sniper April 3, 2019

Spooky Poon

A haunted vagina, typically ancient and belonging to a ghost or a dead body. Sometimes referred to as 'spoon' for short.

"Oh man I went to the graveyard yesterday and saw a ghost with a Spooky Poon. It was terrifying!"
"That dead body Ted dug up last night had a real Spoon man!"

by Nugz March 19, 2020

poon squeeze

To cope a feel of your female partners underparts in a fondling sort of maneuver

(Verb. Poon squeezing)
Usually in a romantic setting

The only true way to experience a woman's complexity is through a truly masterful poon squeeze.

by Purt Cunning March 26, 2016

pooning the loom

a sexual fetish for weaving, tapestries, yarn or anything that could make fabric. And also fabric itself.

Hester sure did like pooning the loom until she was injured by the weight of the loom and had to resort to sex with yarn.

by Fijjuggsgjijhhyggggg-about it March 1, 2019