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A-20 Syndrome

It is a sickness, A = Amo(n)g( )us, 20 = 2020. It is if you're seeing amongus in everything..

yall weird

by LLCCH February 15, 2024

DS Character syndrome

When a character in a video game/movie/series has the proportions of a character made in a Nintendo DS game so it is built like a silverback gorilla. (i.e. having massive arms and torso and stumpy legs)

MF got DS character syndrome

by dangerous ketchup packet January 19, 2024

Somalien Syndrome

The Somalien Syndrome is a prevalent phenomenon in the camel-piss drinking and hyena meat consuming ethnic group in the Horn of Africa. They actively claim Ethiopian, Sudanese and Eritrean history and report people they disagree with on TikTok. Be aware of them because they predominately live in Minneapolis suburbs.

Person 1: "Hey look at that Somalien with his large forehead claiming other people's history and land"
Person 2: "This guy probably suffers from the Somalien syndrome"

by .vl12 September 24, 2023


Unter Moblue-Syndrom versteht sich ein Streamer mit einer scheinbar antiproportionalen Viewer-zu-Chatter Aufteilung. Streamer, die unter dem Moblue-Syndrom leiden, finden sich oft mit 150 Zuschauern und 2 Chattern wieder. Dieses Phänomen, wenn auch nicht ganz so extrem ausgeprägt, konnte man zuvor häufig bei ASMR und Hot-Tub Streamern beobachten. Was genau das Moblue-Syndrom hervorruft ist bisher noch nicht ganz geklärt.

Sie hat 100 Viewer, aber irgendwie hat hier seit 4 Minuten niemand mehr geschrieben, außer "itmkoeln". Ich vermute sie leidet am Moblue-Syndrom.

by Anamnese March 23, 2022

chronic bitchless syndrome

Chronic Bitchless Syndrome, defined (in simple terms) as “the infinite failure to gain bitches, or a lackthereof.” Chronic Bitchless Syndrom (or CBS) is most common in men between the ages of 14 and 21, but can also occur in higher severity amongst those older than 21. Signs of Chronic Bitchless Syndrome include: significant periods of time spent on social media platforms such as Twitter, Discord, or Reddit, acute misogyny, general bigotry, foul aroma, poor skincare, dry or musty hair, and poor fashion sense. Scientists have yet to find a cure.

“No wonder he can’t get a date. He spends all day on Twitter, doesn’t shower, and hates women. We should get him tested for Chronic Bitchless Syndrome

by henry the hoeless May 8, 2023

Jacque Syndrome

The inability to do anything, most commonly used in skateboarding culture. Word based off of the famous Jacque.

Daniel: "Holy shit man I can't land this trick and I t makes me want to keep tre flipping st the top of a stair set"

Leon: "Looks like you got a case of Jacque syndrome dude!"

by Realistnig July 5, 2017

L.O.V. Syndrome

When popular games such as League, Overwatch and/or Valorant corrupt the mind.

Yo, what happened to Marty?
He got L.O.V. Syndrome.

by Splorb September 9, 2023