When someone is mad at you because of his fault and you're completely innocent.
Paul has Paul's Syndrome because Krown is mad at him for no reason.
A disease that only people called Alicia have
Alicia has Alicia syndrome stay away from her or you will catch it
Having an extreme personality split. Going from being the sweetest angel to a complete asshole in a second- similar to bipolar
Freddie is really sweet but he has a serious case of Assholisim Syndrome
When you die from a disease or other illness that you made fun of in the past.
John Bain Syndrome got its name from John Peter Bain A.K.A "The Cynical Brit." In the early 2010s, he came under fire for telling someone to "go get cancer and die."
Needless to say, the Internet was NOT very sympathetic when he revealed that he had cancer himself, citing this infamous moment many times. They practically rejoiced when he revealed that it was terminal.
When a naturally red headed girl or women both adolescent or adult have the same color hair in the pubic region and the scalp region.
Damn she got a fire crotch, no actually she got Sheetson-Johannis Syndrome.
Fall Guys Syndrome Day is on the 30th of March. It's a day where everyone listens to Fall N' Roll to fuel themselves with either rage or ecstasy towards Fall Guys beans. Raging towards them involves punching beans while ecstasy towards them involves busting all over them.
Person 1: "amboutta bus all over this pink bean"
Person 2: "why?"
Person 1: "it's Fall Guys Syndrome Day today, all of a sudden i feel like bussin all over Fall Gussies"
Similar to being in heat, Kinseyhots Syndrome will have you achin’ to have sex w Kinsey.
The symptoms of Kinseyhots Syndrome can be, but are not limited to:
Humping your phone while on the phone with Kinsey.
Licking your phone when Kinsey sends you a pic. Constant thoughts about you and Kinsey’s bodies intertwined and both of you screaming out in pleasure.
Cumming randomly when you use a word that starts with a K.
Extreme sexual tension when near Kinsey.
A sunny happy outlook on life and uncontrollable smiling and laughing.
A deep urge to text and call Kinsey and moan loudly.
When finding a hair of kinseys in your hair you may have the urge to eat it and wriggle on the ground while yellin out “I want youuuuu.”
Hot flashes.
A rise in temperature.
A rise in random erections.
These feelings are strongest when the sun is setting.
They also may seep into your dreams. You more than likely will have constant wet dreams for weeks at a time.
Kinseyhots syndrome has no vaccine and will more than likely stay with you for the rest of your life.
Good luck!! 🥴
“Is that..? Kinsey?! Oh no! I have Kinseyhots Syndrome! I’m cumming!!!”