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Troufis syndrome

Toufis syndrome is a very rare syndrome that occurred during the late 2010s, it is the syndrome that causes you constant denial and strong opinions about topics you have no experience in

i.e I won my lane it was jungler's fault that i lost the game, excuse my delusion , i am suffering from troufis syndrome

by troufium March 22, 2021

phantom shiftosis syndrome

Reaching for the shift lever in the wrong place when driving somebody else's car

My car's a '99 Camry (shifter on the floor between the front seats). My wife's car is an '02 Odyssey (shifter on the steering column). Any time we use each others' cars, we come down with a case of phantom shiftosis syndrome.

by Frank in Spokane February 16, 2013

ferret syndrome

When someone owns a ferret and is named Thalia

Oh she deffo has ferret syndrome, look how pretty she is.

by Thaliagxxo February 18, 2024

MCPH Syndrome

Main Entry: M·C·P·H syn·drome
Pronunciation: Em-C-Pee-H sin-drome (whatever!)
Function: noun
Etymology: Mimiribian tribe, Lambnation, Joppetic code
1 : a group of signs and symptoms of getting out of the topic that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition
2 : a set of concurrent things with regard to the discussion of the topic (as emotions or actions) that usually form an identifiable pattern, such that posters are getting out of hand.
3 : a phenomenon that is indicated by Mariah's TOPIC ALERT!
4 : an infection that is highly contagious.

One of the non-curable diseases that concerns the human race is the MCPH syndrome.

by Lambworld December 11, 2006