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Bill Calvert

Fruity don with a drinking problem
went to warwick
loves the darts

twats his dog

Bill calvert has twatted his dog again

by BILL CALVERTS LOVER June 21, 2021

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Bill Cosby

The act of vomiting on someone's chest after eating a bowl of colorful cereal with the intent of making them look like they are wearing Bill Cosby's sweater.

All my clothes were dirty so my bro gave me a Bill Cosby.

by Fancy Freddy February 17, 2017

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Bill Cosby

When you slip something in a girl's drink so you can take advantage of them.

I am such a weak guy, I am going to have to Bill Cosby that girl if I want to get layed.

by crazyhairstyler71@gmail.com December 14, 2019

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Bill Cosby

To Billy Cosby, or to pull a Bill Cosby, is being accused of doing something very illegal, but not going to jail because you’re very wealthy and can afford bail and a good legal team.

Bill Clinton: Ayo! I just got away with sexual misconduct because I’m rich.

Person: hell ya! You just pulled a Bill Cosby!

by The bluest blue December 2, 2018

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Bill cosby

Enjoy prison and have a huge dick

Dude Bill Cosby is fucking ur mom at home!!!

by SharkbotJonesYT February 19, 2019

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Tha Bill

Tha Black Indivual Livin Large
Tha B.I.L.L.

There ain't nobdy like Tha B.I.L.L.
thatz why yo hoe didn't fit tha B.I.L.L.

by Billy Williams January 5, 2005

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Papa Bill

The guy that rapes your dad even though he is his dad.

Oh no Papa Bill dont rape my dad again, pleaseeee

by JacobDaBleachNibba April 28, 2019

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