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A game where grown men fight over a ball

I’m gonna go watch football

by November 8, 2022


Woosers kicking a ball around then kissing eachother

You should not need to use the word football ever again now you know the definition.

by DrAxolotl February 6, 2021


This is a famous sport played by (mostly) everyone. There are two kinds of football; rugby for American, and soccer for British. British football, or soccer, is being used more than American football, which is rugby.

What football do you play? Rugby or soccer?

by Gervy March 22, 2019


A technological struggle played in almost any conditions as long as you've got a football.

"In football has hitting, clipping, spearing, blocking, piling on, late hitting, unessecary roughness and personal fouls" ~George Carlin

by Alcohol n juuls August 13, 2018


Football is when you think you have appendicitis but you actually have testicular cancer so you shove you foot up your balls.

Let’s watch some football!

by joeypig1108 August 9, 2022


The most Overrated sport ever

Yeah bro I play football I am so cool (not)

by sxysmartguy July 13, 2021



football ggg

by uwelcome July 13, 2023