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The generation that grew up with explicit content. The sleeve pleaser for longer videos to engage youth.

The liberals voted for transgender rights because they felt bad for the entertainment history.

by jargon5678945 September 2, 2024


The only word that Trump supporters use to try and offend anyone whenever a person disagrees with them..Seems like they’re using it as a slur

Bunch of Liberal crybabies in the comments..I love it”-From an anonymous post on social media

by January 15, 2025


someone who supports the 46th president aka the spectacular SENILE MAN and dislikes this post

some absolute moron disliked this post he must be a liberal and wants the taliban to rape all the afganistanian women heck he might he in the taliban .

by keyboard cat transator August 17, 2022


Before we go on with this definition, yes, it is typed out by a conservative (I am Gen Z). There are two kinds of liberals that I and most people will encounter in this generation.

Type 1 liberal: These are the old school liberals who promote things such as universal healthcare, smarter gun reform, and higher taxes, but only on the richest. These liberals are very chill and we conservatives respect them and their opinions. We eat together, play video games together, etc. And they will never go around to those with differing opinions yelling “L+ratio” or things like that.

Type 2 liberal: We’ve all seen these neo-marxist clowns on university campuses and west coast cities flying communist flags, wearing full face bandanas and hoods with blue and green dyed hair. Their only goal is to shut down anybody with differing opinions, even those on the left who disagree with them. You need to agree with them on 100% of the things they say or else they will label you a “fascist” and try to make your life a living hell. They need to be reassured every step of the way by their enablers that they are in fact doing what they do for a good cause, even though most of them are unemployed gender studies majors who live in their parents basements. They may after 3 years save up enough to buy a knife for the whole group and stab some conservative student just to prove they can. Low lives is way too grand a term for these faggots. Best part is, not one of them can fight for shit.

See that liberal over there? Hes a badass, fighting against government censorship with his cool suit.

Yo check out that clown with the green hair over there by the entrance. He probably doxxes conservatives in his spare time. What a douche

by R3publican September 1, 2022


Something a 9 year old called me.

Me: stop doing that thing which is currently annoying me
Some kid: sandwichfucker69 is a liberal

by Sandwichfucker69 December 29, 2022


A derogatory term used by extremists as someone they hate , or to compare them as leftists.

Liberal: Jesus Christ! Why do you prefer war just to exterminate minorities?! You racist bigot! Peace is the right solution!
Fascist: Fuck off, liberal!

by Karma will get you! June 17, 2022


Usually a blue, green, pink, or purple- haired being who identifies or highly supports the LGBTQ agenda. They usually go by he/she/we/it/they/them/bunny/car, etc…
They frequently participate in Antifa & BLM destruction protests & try to twart Republican/Conservative rallies. They constantly yell & scream & have even been known to BARK like dogs when they’re confronted with truth and can’t make up a valid response.

They absolutely ❤️ abortion & getting everybody to embrace feminism is their main goal in life.

Eek! Look at that weird looking liberal chick over there at the Antifa rally.

That blue-haired dude holding the “Defund the Police” sign is definitely a liberal!

That weird liberal thing just asked me what my pronouns are… I don’t know why it got so mad when I responded with, “ My pronouns are F*ck” and You!” So touchy!

by CAGirl87 July 24, 2021