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Lord Ching Chong

A divine being that transcends time and space

Person A: "Who the hell do you think you are?"
Lord Ching Chong: "I'm Lord Ching Chong, bow down to me"

by Penguins_are_gay July 26, 2018

Meme Lord of The Underground

A Meme Lord of The Underground is a person making memes just for his own pleasures. It is often such inside jokes that the person making them, is the only one who would find it funny.

I haven't seen him for days. Some say he has become a Meme Lord of The Underground and isolated himself from society. Just sitting at home making tons of memes.

by Suburban Dictator June 10, 2019

PP sis lord

Me, I am the PP sis lord

Oh who is that?
That’s the fuckin pp sis lord

by PP sis lord December 20, 2021

Our Lord Wendy

Our Lord Wendy (gender unknown) is an Instagram star that rose to fame in summer '18 when they started posting edits of Raini Rodriguez and got blocked by countless people like Raini herself, her brother Rico, founder of Dolce & Gabanna; Stefano Gabbana, and Diary Of A Fit Mommy. They are also very good friends with Grammy award-winning albanian pop star Lati K. In end of October, the Instagram account @ourlordwendy got disabled with unknown reasons why. Now they are back again with a 1.4k Instagram account, @ourlordwendyy.

Our Lord Wendy is SUPER popular on Instagram.

My favorite video editor is Our Lord Wendy.

by Trisha lover January 4, 2019

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Fag lord Jesus

This is the king of all faggots. They pray to him everday and night to keep him happy. Thye might even bend over for him

Faggot 1: Did you pray to fag lord jesus
Faggot 2: no i forgot, might as well bend over

by hungryChicken February 6, 2019

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Plestowean Butt Lord

A guy (or girl if you insist) who instead of using his/ her hand uses their butt.

A Plestowean Butt Lord will not use their hands to pick upthe TV remote they use their put cheeks to get it.

by PrezMeister December 6, 2007

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Vape Lord Nord

A character played by faze rain ( Nordan Shat) on his youtube channel where he wears a white polo robe, sunglasses, a pornhub hat and hits fat clouds. This came about because he bought a vape a few days before, and his name is nordan. Nord is short for nordan.

Sick Dude #1: Yoooo have you seen FaZe Rains new video?
Sick Dude #2: No why
Sick Dude #1: He did another vape lord nord vid where he went to vapecon
Sick Dude #2: Fezu apec

by charliehardinlmao November 18, 2016

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