Child of their parent’s double-first cousin with their other parent’s first cousin or are the child of their parent’s sesqui-first cousin with their other parent’s sesqui-first cousin.
My triple-second cousin is a good person.
Seven Second Syndrome is when you change radio stations and they are playing the last seven seconds of an awesome song that you haven't heard in years, immediately followed by an awful song that you despise.
When I flipped to the 80's station, I caught the last seven seconds of a Replacements song I haven't heard since college, then they launched into an extended remix of the sublimely-awful "The Final Countdown" by Europe. Damn Seven Second Syndrome again!
it's basically same as introverts but they tend to be active and considered about their comfort zone more, they start to fight for it
"people always tell introverts to be more talkative and leave their comfort zones. yet no one tells extroverts to shut up to make the zone comfortable" - said the second-generation introvert DittoTheShapeShifter
- you definitely need to be more active and talk more or else you will be that silent person forever (kind of crazy bitch and smile)
-how about you start to talk less and let me create a comfort zone for us (as u guess room is full of people 7 int and 3 ext)
- wow u sound like The Second Generation-Introverts (its too late)
- listen here you little shit..... (fight starts)
An expression used to describe when your life is in turmoil due to self inflicted damage, but your having great fun
Lads, I have no hope of passing my exams, but tonight I'm getting second year Ronan'd
That one friend who you only hang out with when everyone else in the friend group is taken and you have no one else to partner up/hang out with. Usually tends to be someone who's half funny and a little bit interesting with a single quirk that allows them to be in your friend group.
Bob: Hey Joe, wanna partner for gym class?
Joe: Nah, I'm with Rick.
Bob: Alright how about you Deb?
Deb: I'm with Alan, sorry. Guess you'll have to partner with our Second Pick Friend, Zack
Bob: Ah shit.
Blasting taliban with a machine-gun
Gay Tony: Holy shit we're getting shot at by taliban
Joe Shmoe: Don't worry, I'll blast that sandnigger with my machinegun. Shit shoots 50 freedom's per second.