Source Code

female gamer

Will never exist, seriously.

"Hi I am a male gamer" <--- could happen
"Hi I am a female gamer" <--- could never happen

by david ownage July 19, 2006

68πŸ‘ 299πŸ‘Ž

Casual Gamer

A gamer that just plays for fun but secretly is a harcore gamer and rages when things don't go his or her way.

Hunter must be a casual gamer. I heard him raging from downstairs.

by Sama Lama July 30, 2016

7πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Gamer girl


Le from twitch is gamer girl

by Angery Goomba Except not April 13, 2020

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Mobile Gamers

Peasants who are more poor than than console peasants
Self Proclaimed gamers who share their so called montages on Instagram with a huge watermark and effects which gives epilepsy to others.
Usually Shits about why they Don't need to buy a Console/PC.
Not actually REAL gamers.
Doesn't know about others games than PUBG MOBILE , FREE FIRE or CALL OF DUTY MOBILE
Certified Virgins

Boy 1 : Have you tried playing PUBG MOBILE ?
Boy 2 : Ewww , thats that game sucks and only so called MOBILE GAMERS play it

Virgin mobile gamer : Can you please check my Instagram gaming page, i upload PUBG MOBILE montages ?
Chad PC gamer : Get out of my sight , you unworthy MOBILE GAMER

by Shihiro Taiyo January 30, 2021

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

pro gamer

The entire Raven Shield community.

Since we are pro gamers, we do nothing but sit at our computers and bitch on clanboard.

by Mizzasta July 21, 2004

18πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Gamer girl

Gamer girls are the medics on the furry war battle field. They made sandwiches for the Gamer boys.

If in need of assistance they shall made a perfect sandwich to regain a gamers strength, But if absolutely necessary they shall pack up their sandwich making kit and their nerf guns to help out on the battlefield. It’s a bloody mess full of fur and fight, but they get the job done

My Gamer Girl made me a sandwich

Make me a sandwich, Gamer girl!
Notice to all Gamer girls

by Fangirl Prime January 1, 2019

9πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

gamer grime

The odor and grease that accumulates after doing nothing but playing video games all day.

They played wii for 18 hours straight they had some nasty gamer grime.

by Klousy August 16, 2008

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