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Men, money and music

The male homosexual equivalent of "wine, women and song."

I've been chasing men, money and music, and I don't really focus on the repercussions because we're all going to die at some point.

by ihatetonyromo August 30, 2023

Boots Men Smog

Just a random phrase you say when you are in the of a exam and everything is quiet.

Boots Men Smog

by YourFriendSteve March 7, 2018

Community men

A term used normally by women to describe men who endlessly sleep around, especially within a certain female friend group. Essentially the male version of being “for the streets”.

We all had sex with Kevin. He’s one of those community men.

by IOnlySpeakTheTruth12345 May 1, 2024

North men

Them men rhell dread and will beat u in a short amount of time.The number of men able to pull a sexy clean good pum pum girl is 45% of school male population with 37% being a red man who is known for his marvelous juicy cock

Them north men rhell bad...i want that red north man to fuck meh hard

by Big cocky bad man January 23, 2023

mexican men

mexican men are tall, handsome, smart and strong with BMC for all girls

black girls love big mexican men with BMC

by kingBMCdaddy February 25, 2024

Hot men overloaditis

When you have an overload from seeing a hot man/men. This can be a video, edit or photo and you become addicted to looking at them. This could result in a crush.

Did you see Emily? She was watching watching an edit of young Leonardo DiCaprioand now she has Hot men overloaditis.

by PimpSimp3000 January 14, 2021

mommy men

men who are protective and will take 100% care of you

girls love mommy men

by BigGucciBaby October 29, 2022