Persons of color or other identified cultural minorites act within stereotypes and well known points of attack against their culture , or against the status quo to illicit reactions of negativity, hate, and racism to be used for social gain. A deflection tactic used by minorities to avoid the catharsis for their cultursl short comings.
Be careful when you're debating against the democrats, they're known for nigger baiting votes.
a shameful tactic that content creators use to get mindless NPC's to comment on their videos. The content will usually have zero context, contain blatant lies or something they pulled straight out of their ass to invoke controversy. The more comments they receive, the better the chances are of the video going viral. Similar to clickbait and rage bait except the goal is to confuse the viewers into getting them to interact with each other. avoid.
B: "this guy really posting saying he is god and was reincarnated in china. he also has gta 7.
A: "bro, that shit is obv comment bait. gtfoh."
B: "you right, he ain't worth my time."
This best looking guy at the table
Hey, look at that table bait, maybe we should join them.
When a woman (usually a drop dead gorgeous one) makes a post online in a way that makes desperate men respond to her in order to stroke her ego.
Lauren posted up a picture of her in a bikini saying, "No man wants to date her." And before you know it, she got a thousand likes and comments from men within the hour. Talk about simp bait.
A statement made by someone to intentionally provoke a debate or to be a dick.
Dan: "Have you heard what the democrats are up to???"
Jim: "I'm not falling for that d-bait"
a form of troll and ragebait that is mostly targeted towards streamers with a large audiance, that its whole purpose is to generate a viral clip online and make profit out of that clip.
clip-baiting is most of the time intentional and has many forms. it's most known form is the "Text-To-Speech" donation.
George was streaming his main competitive game on an online streaming website and received a donation from one of his viewers "clip-baiting" him to use a certian command for his game that is mostly used for malicious purposes. he refused to do that said command and restricted the person from donating. after the stream, George went to social media posting the a picture of the donation with the caption "this little twat tried to clip-bait me to throw my game. I hope you learned your lesson"