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Salt Period

The period that is put at the end of a sentence or fragment that is usually used in an angry or "salty" manner.

Person 1: "Are you sure you'll be okay with me going out tonight?"
Person 2: "I'll be fine."

^Salt Period

by JXLIAN October 28, 2015

Salt Water Shower

(Noun) - to apply cologne, perfume and/or deodorant after having excerted physical labor or spent at taxing amount of time in an office environment.

Oh man, after work I had to pick up my girlfriend and go to her parents for dinner. I only had time to take a salt water shower in the bathroom at work.

sweat shower salt perspiration

by MR. Polo1987 September 1, 2015

a grain of salt

Definition: To not completely believe what someone tells you, because you know that they do not always tell the truth.

You must take Mr.Wong's statements with a grain of salt, he often exaggerates.

Take what you see on the news with a grain of salt.

by 请关注公众号:英文口语专家 June 7, 2019

Salt fever

Obsession with reaching a higher speed on the bonneville salt flats.

James says he isnt leaving till he hits 160. Hes got salt fever.

by Cpdough18 March 1, 2022

Salted snail

The fetish in which you ejaculate on a snail, watching it shrivel up from the salty load before serving it to friends and family. The offender finds sadistic pleasure in knowing a million little soldiers just beat a snail into a salty paste

Hey mom, are you planning on bringing dad's salted snails to the family function this weekend!? They sure are delectable.

by Darksquid August 8, 2022

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salt bag

Someone who is beyond salty

Brodie: “Shut the f@&k up chad!” Chad: “Chill out salt bag.”

by _saltbag September 8, 2021

salt kiss

When you ejaculate into another's mouth then kiss.

I blew in Leigh's mouth then kissed her. She gave me a salt kiss.

by Missy Hidair December 19, 2023