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Sex Pizza

A cheese pizza topped with sausage, meatballs, and chicken breast. Originated in Washington, DC.

"Hey, do you still have that coupon for an extra large pizza? Let's order a sex pizza."

by Jeff from Amsterdam September 12, 2023

Sex Pizza

A cheese pizza topped with sausage, meatballs, and chicken breast. Originated in Washington, DC, United States of America.

"Hey, do you still have that coupon for an extra large pizza? Let's order a sex pizza."

by Jeff from Amsterdam September 12, 2023

National phone sex day

i’m jus horny

masturbate on the phone

National phone sex day

by lil looks January 22, 2024

National Phone Sex Day

A day of phone sex

Want to have phone sex on national phone sex day?

by KonDaDon June 25, 2022

barney sex

you are having sex with barney

"i love having barney sex"

by sussybakasussybadussy June 24, 2023

base sex

Having sex when the urge occurs no matter the time or the place.

"We ducked in an empty room in the back of the bar to have base sex on one of the tables".

by monkey4minx February 8, 2015

India poo hot sex 2017 compilation

An example of words Indian people who don’t speak good English trying to find porn by adding random tags together

“Oh jagmeet did you see the new sex video today?”
“No bhupinder
“Ok jagmeet, just search something like: India poo hot sex 2017 compilation, and it should come up

by King Louis XIV India October 18, 2019

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