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Yo-Yo Math

When schools or states are willing to change their textbooks every other year, as publishers tempt teachers with free resources (and bribe them with airline and cruise tickets).

Getting an entire state to adopt a publisher's set of textbooks is worth millions of dollars, so the sales and marketing personnel would go all out to play yo-yo math with decision makers to get them to choose their titles over those of their competitors.

by MathPlus July 26, 2017

261đź‘Ť 372đź‘Ž

Fake Math Problems

Unrealistic or nonsensical word or story problems, routine and nonroutine, that may or not be solvable—however, most of them serve to humorize, parodize, or satirize mathematics.

One question from “The Bigly Book of Fake Math Problems” is the following: “At a Trump rally, if 10 coronaviruses infect 10 diehard supporters in 10 minutes, how many of these foreign viruses will be needed to infect 100 supporters in 50 minutes?”

by MathPlus November 24, 2020

256đź‘Ť 360đź‘Ž

math wiz

Someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes math. Doesn't realize their full potential and often shys away when he gets called a math wiz.

Boy: Damn that guy Alec is a genius at math

Girl: I know right! He's for sure a math wiz!

by Minecraft888 March 6, 2020

4đź‘Ť 44đź‘Ž

My math teacher

The hottest sexiest milf alive !!!!

Person: do you like anyone?
Me: my math teacher she is a mega milf

by Ilovemorganwallen May 6, 2022

15đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž

weapon of math instruction

The term, 'Weapon of mass destruction' repeated by a person with a speech impediment.

Thay, did you hear a weapon of math instruction was found in Iraq?

by Harry Balsac February 26, 2004

9đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž

Do a Math Trump

When you irresponsibly or prematurely walk away from a math test or exam, instead of waiting until the end of the paper, when everyone is allowed to leave the room, because you can’t handle the difficult or brain-unfriendly questions, especially after boasting to the whole world that you have a “genius IQ.“

During the 60-minute math test the other day, everybody was surprised to see Don do a math trump, who consoled himself that he could always pay a Shapiro to sit for his SAT if he failed again.

by MathPlus October 27, 2020

156đź‘Ť 256đź‘Ž


Math questions that leverage on the coronavirus pandemic—lockdowns, infections, deaths, face masks, social distancing measures, stimulus packages, tax rebates, rent reliefs, vaccines, and the like—to hone students’ problem-solving or guesstimation skills.

Two Covid-19 math questions are:

1. After parking their cars, 317 Trump supporters took a bus instead of walked to the rally. Each bus can hold 28 passengers. How many buses were needed to ferry them?
2. Eric and Don each have a certain number of face masks. If Eric gave Don five masks, Don would have twice as many masks as him. If Don gave five masks to Eric, they each would have the same number of masks. How many face masks does each brother have? Answer: Eric: 25, Don: 35.

by MathPlus December 16, 2020

61đź‘Ť 96đź‘Ž