Banging your boyfriend while watching planes fly
Cmon Amanda, we all know what “At the airport, getting my family from Boston” means.
You go into a room with a bunch of other guys, wearing disguises, while the woman lays on the bed with her mouth open, and you dump 342 teabags into her gullet.
I was thinking about a nice anniversary gift for my wife.
- How about you throw her a Boston Tea Bag Party?
When pounding her fart box you cum in her then pull out, and shit and cum run out of her fart box. (Boston cream donut)
I was pounding my girl doggy style the other night and gave her a Boston cream donut!
The act of getting double penetrated in the nostrils, and having your nasal cavity filled with semen.
Hey Brayden, did you get a Boston cream donut cause I noticed your nose was dripping cream
A soft Boston is when you stick your flaccid penis into a Boston cream pie that has been microwaved for 15-30 seconds (or to preferred temperature) and then utilizes it as a flesh light.
Hey man! You gotta try doing a Soft Boston, it’s way cheaper than flesh lights!
The sexiest man on the planet by far. This guy also has a 8 inch cock
Hey everybody, Boston Bachand is so sexy!
1. (noun)- The very last drag of a cigarette, blunt or joint that may end up being mostly the filter.
"You're smoking filter at this point! Way to take the Boston drag."