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benjamin button's dick

Benjamin Button's dick: a Disease that causes ur to grow smaller untill u have a mangina

BRO! Your giving me Benjamin Button's dick!

It was so cold out side that i have Benjamin Button's dick

by Prime Minister McRibs December 30, 2016

Like Button Whore

A person whose status update on facebook, in part or all, includes the phrase "Like if you..." followed by a popular likable statement. (a.k.a LBW)

Jenny's status says- "Mothers are the best, Like if you love your Mom." Jenny's a little Like Button Whore.

by Mayrut Singh July 27, 2012

pause button

a pause button is the big bar on your keyboard, and it is used for when someone is talking to you AND YOU FUCKING PAUSE THE SHIT YOU HAVE ON

person- "i gotta tell you something about my day."
tv watcher- "alright, let me pause this movie." ( uses pause button)
person- *tells the about their day*

by yono this sad girl April 8, 2017

Urban Dictionary dislike button

A button people mostly press whenever a definition insults them or calls them out. This makes them feel good.

see Urban Dictionary Names

How dare this definition call me dumb after I spelt retard as retart. Behold, the Urban Dictionary dislike button is here to save the day! I get to increase the number next to the thumbs down by a whole 1! Hold up, did this definition just flip me off??? This deserves a big fat dislike. What? You say I'm an Urban Dictionary dislike button addict? Hmmm... dislike from me.

by wtf do I write in here bro July 16, 2024

8👍 1👎

Jelly Button

The hole through which jelly is injected into a jelly-filled doughnut.

A man with a beard has the best chance of cleanly eating a jelly-filled doughnut if he starts at the jelly button.

by Bald-Matt March 13, 2020

jelly button

the belly button of an obese person

That person's shirt is so small, you can see there jelly button. SMH.

by heyitstessa November 25, 2016

down button downer

(negative) a person who frequently uses the down arrow button on their keyboard.

Person A: *presses down button 17 times within the span of 3 seconds*
Person B: Eugh, stop being such a down button downer.

by CutieFox9 December 8, 2023