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Pirate English

Pirate English is the language of any direct translation from a given language to english in Google Translate, without any kind of mand-handling. Hence, the sentences might be difficult to understand.

Danish -> Pirate English


by CharlatanDk October 4, 2017

English Dessert

When a gay man pulls out from anal sex, and ejaculates into his partners mouth. Ass to mouth ejaculation.

Gary made Bill an English dessert last night.

by AJBrock September 10, 2020

Driving English

Driving on the wrong side of the road, against traffic. Someone is "Driving English" if they are recklessly driving on the left side of a road in a country which drives on the right. It should be noted that only countries of colonial

English influence (United States excluded) drive on the left side of the road.

Almost got popped by some drunk ass driving english! He didn't even see the median!

Had to swerve off the road yesterday. A fire truck was driving english to avoid a clusterfuck of traffic.

by E_Man_24 June 23, 2021

English Henry

having sex with six people at once and then ditching half of them, named after king Henry VIII of england.

Damn, bob had an english henry last night!

by philodendrussy January 27, 2023

The English

The most common plague in 25% of the world

1: Did you hear about the civil war in Ethiopia?
2: Was it the English?

by Yerdas Selzavon May 28, 2021

Canadian English

American English written using British spelling and including some token franglais.

Is Canadian English closer to British or American? No. And oui.

by enridr November 15, 2022

English Beer

Another term for piss.

Pull over, I need to make english beer

by March 17, 2024