The expression of visible fear. Comes from a line in Macbeth where the title character shouts at a terrified servant arriving to inform him that the English Army have been sighted marching towards the castle.
"The Devil Damn Thee Black, thou cream-faced loon! Where got'st thou that goose look?"
When an individual is unable to be vulnerable enough to even accept complements. And counter acts any sweet gestures with nasty remarks or disses.
I tried to tell her that she was looking gorgeous today, but she was being a silly lil goose about it.
a caring person - like a mother, usually has a name like alaska, probably a vsco gorl, is chaotic; a mess.
me : i have the best type of friend, - she is the mother goose
Using cum retained in your mouth from a prior blowjob to lubricate a secondary penis in preparation for anal sex.
“You might want to save some of that for slickering the goose”
trying something out or testing something. Another saying for "testing the waters".
I am flappin the goose with this new job I have.
Closing one nostril and blowing very hard out the other one so that any boogers inside shoot out. Note: Don't do this with your eyes open.
thing one: man I can't breathe through my damn nose
thing two: just shoot the goose bro
thing one: oh right
A slang term for your other half. Someone whom you'd like to canoodle with
You're my canoodling goose