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live by the sword, die by the sword

This expression was adapted from Jesus’ words to His disciple Peter in Matthew 26:52--But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword."

An idiom meaning “what goes around comes around.” More to the point, “if you use violent, forceful, or underhanded methods against other people, you can expect those same methods to be used against you.”

A person who lives violently will probably at some point be killed in a violent manner.

The expression "live by the sword, die by the sword" was contemporized to "live by the gun, die by the gun."

by KindleRashod April 9, 2018

29👍 4👎

halo 2 live

a sequal to the #1 hit xbox game halo. where its good to play together but sometimes not.

everyone know that m3ta1core is the sickest jive ass motherfucker around. along with his trusty back pocket jive ass mother fucker that gets a little too crazy over the dumbest shit but gets the job done.
im done you whores theres no more for me to say
why u looking up this word u must be obsessed.

by ur moms hairy nipple April 12, 2005

7👍 32👎

Thick Thighs Save Lives

Thick thighs save lives is a term popularized by various anime Memes typically in support of peoples favorite Waifu use who have no boobs or ass but have a nice thick thighs

Rin Tohsaka May have small tits but her Thick Thighs Save Lives

by HippyDippyKippy October 25, 2020

119👍 27👎

mountain dew live wire

Nectar of the Gods with an orange zing.

I drink Live Wire to satisfy my baser instincts.

by Stormy Spencer November 1, 2003

45👍 8👎

Long Live The Wonk Eye

a fan aphorism that expresses the love he or she feels for Katy Perry's wonk eye. This trendy phrase was originally established by Kassia Gordon, Madison Morris, Rebecca Luckman, Shannon MacKay, and Emma Plese in August 2009. Katy Perry discovered this catchphrase three days after it's original twitter posting. #longlivethewonkeye

"Hey everybody, I'm Katy Perry. Long live the wonk eye."

by KatyCatMeow August 24, 2009

45👍 8👎

get it how you live

1: to get money however you can or to use methods most available to you

2. to acquire anything by any means necessary or available

1. Person 1: Most people get jobs to make money, but where I'm from the only way to make money is by selling drugs.

Person 2: Ay man, get it how you live.

2. Person 1: Bro, i haven't gotten anybooty in like two months. I'm a man on a mission this weekend.

Person 2: Ay man, get it how you live!

by HassanBlack March 29, 2010

321👍 80👎

better living through chemistry

Used to be a slogan for DuPont (a chemical company), but now it refers to the practice of taking medication and/or drugs to make your life more enjoyable.

Becky: "Wow, Jenny was always so depressed, but now she takes a bottle of Prozac in the morning and washes it down with vodka, she seems really relaxed and happy."
Hank: "Oh, so she's discovered better living through chemistry!"


Slut: "Wow, your schlong is so hard!"
Old guy: "Yeah, I used to be impotent, but now I take Viagra. It's better living through chemistry..."

by jdawgzzz January 24, 2010

35👍 6👎