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linkin park

A band of punk ass emo bitches who some how managed to rule the music world with like 3 songs about 7 years back. how these guys are still making money nevermind new songs i dont know, its probly a global scheme involving santa clause and satan but what ever it is i want in...those bitches owe me ... word.

a: i like linkin pa...*looks around to see guns pointed at face*...go ahead i was gunna off myself nxt tuesday neways

B: well no sht! u like linkin park!

by nintendo sega playstatin junior senior 3rd May 26, 2007

354๐Ÿ‘ 326๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bethel Park

The best suburban town only 9 miles away from Pittsburgh. Commonly known for their high school soccer, football, swimming and band achievements.

"Have you ever been to Bethel Park?"
"Yeah, slut, all da cool kids live der!"
"Wow no wonder you're such a prick, you don't live there!"

by Babylon By Bus September 9, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Parking Garage

A place where a couple go on a whim to spit off of and drop pennies. Then you look words up on Urban dictionary for trurty minitz. Then they proceed to kiss and touch moobies. After that you sit in silence for 5 minutes and then guy unzips pants and girl reaches into the guys pants to touch ding dong for the first time. Parking Garage elevator opens for first of three times. Girl and guy play it cool and act like they were just chilling. After man leaves girl continues where she left off touching the man's throbbing cock. Then 2 bikers come out of elevator where guy and girl play it cool again waiting for them to leave. 10 minutes later a third biker comes out of the elevator. Then the three bikers ride down the garage. After bikers have left continued touching of erected wee wee. Guy then lies on his back, then the girl tells him that's a bad idea and sit his bitch ass back up. Girl continues hand job. She's getting better at it. Finally a car comes to the top of the now dark parking garage. After the car leaves they decide to give up on their exploration. Guy awkwardly pulls up his pants and they exit down the 9 floor stairway.

"I was walking up to see the sunset and saw N and J parking garageing it on the top"
"No way, bro! They're so hot I'm jealous"
"Yeah they be cray"

by ThrobbingMoobieCock420#69 July 27, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

South Park

Some overrated stupid ass show that relies on toilet humor , hitler jokes, and disgusting visuals and comes up with episode plots by stealing the latest new's headlines and shoves their "if you care about anything youre stupid" politcal agenda down your throat

man 1: south park is so amazing and youre an idiot if you dont like it
man 2: typical dumbass south park fan that forces people to watch garbage

by booboochoochoo August 8, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

parked car

(Noun) a person (usually a boy) who does not take any actions in a relationship.

Girl 1: I dated him for 6 months and we didn't even kiss!
Girl 2: Wow! He's such a parked car!

by Trisaratops37 April 21, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

linkin park

Linkin Park: Linkin Park is one of the worst bands in the world... The lead singer Chester, is absolutly terrible. To record a song, they have a special recording studio with a toilet in it. He goes days without shitting. When its time to record the song, Chester sits on the toilet and shits. How else could he produce such earshreeching, deafning tones???? I've done an expriment. One day while taking a shit, (while i was straining)i started singing "Bleed it Out." While doing this my brother walked by and said "Turn off that shit, i hate linkin park..."

One of my friends described linkin parks sounds as:
"having sex with someone over a toilet in the behind who is constapated and yelling into a microphone while pandas with guitars and facial hair lick their instruments and make stupid riffs, all while the yeller is improvising lyrics on the spot."

by K-Weezy April 14, 2008

370๐Ÿ‘ 343๐Ÿ‘Ž

linkin park

A band that doesn't scream so much as annoy. In fact, they annoy so much that most of the general population would wish to kick them in the balls. A band with 6+ members is no longer a band, it's an army, and they are armed to split skulls with their awful noise.

Linkin Park sucks ass.

by Guerillajoe May 19, 2005

335๐Ÿ‘ 309๐Ÿ‘Ž