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teacher build

the body structure of a teacher

“if i ever becom a teacher, i wouldn’t want the teacher build, like Mrs.Penske

by teacherbuild101 August 1, 2023

Teacher Lunch

A quick, low-variety and often unhealthy meal that can be eaten while multitasking.
Typically snack foods, but can be virtually anything.

The poor man's Girl Dinner.

"I ran out of money so I could only afford to eat diapers and cheese. AKA Teacher Lunch." "The fuck you say cheese?"

Don't settle for Teacher Lunch, you deserve Girl Dinner.

by Bananaramaslamma May 28, 2024

im gonna tell the teacher

you are definitely screwed when your classmate tells this

boy1:im gonna tell the teacher
boy2:nooooooooooooooo pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i i will give allmy robux
boy1:ok fine

by math kid July 19, 2024

faux-righteous teacher

One who pretends to be a high credibility or operates under false pretenses in order to earn money and truly not help their communities as they proclaim to.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was considered to be a “poor righteous teacher”, but people like televangelist are more like faux-righteous teachers. They simply pretend to do it for the good of others but they profit largely from their exploitation of faith and community giving.

by Daymain Smith May 25, 2024

cocky cunt of a teacher

my tuters a retared cunt

fuck you ann ling ur a slag cocky cunt of a teacher

by sexyplayboy2121 February 25, 2021

Teacher Crystal

a type of rare crystal that teach you about econs
jvvhj6twe4r5tyuiawetsrdtfyjk,q3w45ye6u476ie9 22a8

Teacher Crystal teaches us econsqqqqqtvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv


Teacher Standard

When your or someone else's teacher never responds to anyone when you'd need them to.

I have been asking my teacher through G-mail how to complete this one assignment. But they are really pulling a teacher standard right now.

by 1080 March 9, 2021