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Monkey Buckets

An alternative for "Fuck it!" when in polite company.

(Drop hammer on toe when putting up a picture for the Queen)

"Oh Monkey Buckets!"

by Tes Sticcles June 18, 2013

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Snoz Bucket

This is pretty much the definition of anyone, especially someone who is doing anything dumb, stupid, dissagreeable, or just plain getting on your nerves. However it is casual just to call your mate a snoz bucket.

A shortened version is just Snoz.

Person 1: OMG, that guy is totally trying to impersonate Michale Jackson.
Person 2: What a Snoz Bucket.

by Bootstrap July 19, 2005

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

brain bucket

Online motorcycle lifestyle magazine known as the "IN YOUR FACE BIKER E-ZINE!"

Can be found at brainbucketmag.com

Dude, did you see on Brain Bucket that Harley is laying off employees like crazy!

Holy cow, Brain Bucket's Babe of the Month is smokin'!

by bikerdude May 6, 2009

47πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

Fuck A Bucket

Fuck A Bucket-n- When a person, man or woman, gets lonely and is not getting satisfied by a loved one or a prostitute. They simply get out a small bucket. If you are a man, you should put a jello like substance in the bucket, depending on how you want it to feel depends on what you put in the Fuck A Bucket. If you are a female, you might just want to buy a self-pleasing toy, or a fruit of some sort, and put it in there with something to hold it in place in the bucket, a more stable substance is recommended. After that, you have a new toy that you can also fill with water!

"I love using my Fuck A Bucket!"

by weareawesome February 4, 2010

14πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Bucket Fanny

A fanny which is large and very loose. Maybe its this way through child birth or just one wild night with a stud or oversized sex toys.

Its a term to describe a fanny , but can also use as an insult.

Rhys Wait looked at his A-Hole and said to Alice "What does it look like?"

She said in reply " A Bucket Fanny! It looks like my actual fanny!"

by Rhys Wait June 19, 2006

12πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

spunk bucket

Your Mum

Your Mum is a dirty spunk bucket

by funnylinguist September 17, 2009

19πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Bucket

1. A urn-like vessel for gathering, storing and processing a culmination of various excretions (including, but not limited to, semen, sweat, vaginal secretions, lubricant remnants, blood, saliva, pubic hair, other waste product) derived from the execution of a sex act. Although a definite insult, perhaps the more insulting is the β€œfuck bucket worker” – cursed to spend her/his time removing the residue of others with a sponge attached to a pole. Then squeezing the substances out of the sponge into the bucket.
2. An insult suggesting that someone is as useful as a bucket full of the above substances.

That fuckbucket...


As a general explicative similar to "damn": "Elaborate Japanese fuck bucket!" (I image nice pictures and elaborate details all around the urn-like vessel).

by Sottises March 18, 2005

16πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž