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taladega shower

This is when a woman has unprotected anal sex with a man (that she doesn't know)and then he ejaculates on her face.

Jill met Jack on a cruise and that same night they were having unprotected anal sex and just as he was about to come he pulled out and ejaculated all over her face. Jill received a Taladega shower.

by soodamnjuicy February 16, 2010

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Queensland shower

A folklore that people from the state of Queensland in Australia just use deodorant instead of showering. Term not used in Queensland.

"We don't have time, just have a Queensland shower"

by personfromNSW March 22, 2012

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liquor shower

The act of taking a shower with or next to your roommate or close friend while drinking an alcoholic beverage of high potency. Works best when in a dormitory shower. Warning: this may cause one to go to hell.

A liquor shower is self-explanatory.

by Laura and Sarah " Sappa" November 10, 2007

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bum shower

A hand-held device used to clean ones anus with a jet of water after using the toilet.
Originating in India, this device is rapidly replacing the use of a mug for the same purpose.

Dave: Damn it, that burrito I ate gave me runny shits. I'll be leaving brows streaks in my underpants for a week now.
Kumar: Why not use a bum shower? It removes all fecal matter and leaves a minty-fresh aroma.
Dave: Great! I'll try it.
<Dave uses a bum shower>
Dave: Excellent! My ass is minty-fresh and my laundry bills will go down!

by Lord Ownage February 21, 2015

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brown shower

The act of spray farting on another. Often done when the person has diarrhea. Can be done in a sexual or hurtful way.

I gave the bitch a brown shower and then left her ass.

by Sir Banacheck September 24, 2006

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Fishermen Shower

When a fishermen sprays him self with cologne when out at sea because there isnt a shower on the boat. Same as Mexican Shower

I didnt have time for a shower before my date so i took a fishermen shower.

by Raziel April 14, 2003

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frat shower

The act of drinking beer while taking a shower. The ultimate multitask.

I was running late for the pregame so I took a frat shower.

by Tyler Forbes Mason December 3, 2010

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