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"Fuck" is one of the most versatile of all swear/curse words. It can mean a variety of things:
1) to have sex
2) to screw something up (or in more formal words, to mess something up)
3) one of the filler words used in a sentence humorously.
... and many more.

Again, the word "fuck" is the classic insult that you lash toward somebody that you don't like and/or has offended you.

1) Boyfriend: "Hey, Jenny..."
Jenny: "What?"
Boyfriend: "Wanna get crazy?"
Jenny: "What do you mean? Are you gonna make love to me?"
Boyfriend: "No... I'm going to fuck you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
2) "Alright Jeremy, don't fuck it up!"
3) Boss: "Everyone, I would like to present to you this-- of fuck, what's it called again, Travis?"
Travis: "It's called the mini-model for the Animal Rescue County."
Boss: "*phew* Thank you. Couldn't have done it without you."
4) Gangsta: "Dude, you short for a nice guy."
Dude: "I'm not short! Fuck you!"

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 5, 2018

Side chick

The kind of girls without a boyfriend who are often "the third wheel" in a relationship setting.
Usually these girls want to be with the guy whom they're associated with, but there was no agreement for them to go that step further.

The man whom the side chick is associated with is pretty indecisive about whom they want romantic relations with, but since they got hung up on several chicks, he might as well have his side chicks.

Julia isn't Jason's girlfriend. And Meghan isn't his girlfriend either. Apparently, they're his side chicks. Jason won't decide!

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 10, 2018

10👍 5👎

Spread Eagle

(Mostly used in a sexual context) When a girl spreads her legs apart; practically doing the splits; super sexy; even splitting the legs at a 180-degree angle makes her vag split its wet self in half

Uhn, your legs spread eagle. Let's get it on, girl.

by whats_yo_name_pussycat April 4, 2018

24👍 9👎


A person who gets themselves involved with a high-profile individual, usually for the attention from the media.

Often, a hanger-on has little to no talent in a particular area of media; usually only cares about the publicity that comes with being a celebrity. All of this explains why they do what they do. These people are often accused of being "attention whores" or "gold-diggers" and other derogatory terms like the the ones named.

Otherwise known as being "famous for being famous".

Before Kim Kardashian became famous, she was great friends with heiress Paris Hilton. Was she a hanger-on?

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 4, 2018

7👍 1👎

Adult Film

The classy word for porn.

Porn as in pornography, porno, mature content, etc.

Dude #1: Yo dude, wanna watch some adult films?
Dude #2: You mean porn, right? Hell yeah!

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 5, 2018

35👍 36👎

Golden Shower

The act of urinating on another person for sexual excitement/pleasure.
Often derived from a fetish of peeing, especially from the sight of peeing or the sound of peeing or peeing on other people, or getting peed on, etc.

Dude #1: Dude, Jenny gave me the golden shower of life on Saturday night.
Dude #2: I bet you were drunk as shit.
Dude #1: No no no, we were sober but definitely horny. Couldn't resist it. It was life, bro.

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 5, 2018

5👍 2👎


To describe something/someone that is beyond crazy and insane.
In particular, insanity to the degree of being extreme.
Also is a way to describe someone who lacks any sense or rationality.
Also describes a state of being crazy.
Synonyms include: irrational, insane, crazy, extreme, delusional, lunatic, etc.

Wow, that bitch who picked a fight with me yesterday was batshit!

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 16, 2018