Mr Lacy is usually a mean and got a big bold head if you come across a Mr Lacy you will know straight away
Child: Fuck you Mr Lacy
some dumbass that milks kreekcraft live streams like a cow and gets 13k subs on with lots of simps such as rv battles, banana man and darealactionjackinoff to mr ghostz
oomg mr ghostz is streeming kreekcraft says a bad word cumpilations time to donate 1000 dollars for him to accept my friend request and subscribe to me and give me food food and cum! - rv battles
An act of giving weak excuses.
Dude, stop pulling a Mr Ma and just admit to sending nudes to your students.
A Civics and Economics teacher who has one of the hardest classes in the school but you actually learn and do well on his exam.
Student 1: Dude, who did you get on your schedule for civics?
Students 2: Some guy named Mr. Bennett?
Student 3: Haha, goodluck.
a short, rude, sassy, ocd english teacher who doesn’t tolerate any sound during a minute of silence. she is very nosy and yells at all of her students!
student 1: oh em gee mrs. Lee is so mean
student 2: ikr she always barkin at me
More commonly known as Lorenz. Honestly the highlight of middle school. Says “ The bell doesn’t dismiss you” religiously. Has more hair on his chest than his head. His Best friends name is usually Reem. Jealous of Reem, because she’s smarter, and higher on the food chain. Has a dank asthetic. looks like the dad in cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Always wears this safari lookin hat and blue shirts with khakis. Never grew out of superhero’s. Dad probably didn’t give him enough attention. Is scary at times. Feeds off of little kids fears. You’ve probably had a nightmare or two about him, and he loves it. Probably a legend on tinder.
Lorenz is on the top of the food chain. Mr Herman Can kick your ass in Tae Kwando any day. Says he won’t, but certainly will hunt you down for labs. Remodels train stations during breaks. Gets of topic faster than you can say kabob. Volunteers to monitor detention, just cause he likes to see kids suffer.
a gay man married to a magnificent french fellow, he is also a pimp, who goes under many other names such as fletch, aidan, the gandhi waffle and gay justin.
person 1: I can't talk right now I need to go see my pimp.
person 2: The one that is married to that french fellow?
person 1: yes, goes by the name of mr palmer
person 2: but i thought his name was fletch
person 1: shh, we don't speak of his other names.
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