What some would refer to as a larger lady, not so classy, and may have been in a fist fight or two.
Ex: Pam from Archer, Rosie O'Donnell, Marge Simpson, your mom.
Tyler - "After John's white trash girlfriend got preggers, she got huuuuge."
Kevin - "Yeah man, she turned into a real river barge."
Eponymous flow of contraband guns across the us mexico border
Guns are made of metal hence the name "iron river'
T jefferson parker wrote an excellent novel entitled "iron river" which deals with the illegal flow of gui and weapons across the us/mexican border.
A small lake in New Hampshire.
The best place to spend your summers
as a child & teenager!
"What are you doing this summer?
I'm spending it at Pine River Pond!"
when your dick is so large that it rips your partner from her vagina to her bunghole, and your creampie runs through the uni-crack into her asshole.
"Dammit Tim, you ripped me and gave me a uni-crack!"
"It's okay Tina, I can use this opportunity to give you a River of Excellence!"
When two or more people gather at the mouth of a river to consume fries, usaually bought at McDonald's or at worst Burger King. This is strictly a BYOF kind of party unless you are invited by someone already with fries. Chicken McNuggets are also acceptable.
Teresaa and Conor went down to Frasier river to eat a bunch of river fries
Referring to a substantial amount of liquid or can also be used when an individual has excess verbal communication with another; often preformed in a irritating manner
Dude 1: “I had such bad diarrhoea yesterday it was like the river Mekong”
Dude 2: “shut up dude, you’ve been spewing out the river Mekong for the last ten minutes”
Joke from AvM fandom. Beck=river so basically Alan Becker
A: hy do u watch alan riverer?
B:u mean alan becker???